Morals of the Church

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Ciel pov: Noel and I got Dr Arach's attention and led her away from the Tohno estate deep into the forest to lessen the burden on everyone else.

"Elisia, we can't run that far; she'll stop tailing us after a certain point!" Noel said as she stopped running, "This is where we take a stand." She said, swinging her weapon around. I stopped too, pointing the seventh holy scripture at our opponent, who just began to laugh as mechanical spiders crawled all over her.

"You two, I remember seeing you from somewhere, especially you, Roa's seventeenth incarnation," Arach said, laughing more. "Wasn't the last time I saw you the French incident?" She asked, and I immediately started shooting at her to shut her up,

"Rita Rozay-en is interested in you, Noel. Do you want to join us?" Dr. Arach asked Noel as she lunged towards her, swinging her weapon at her, "Hell no, why would I join someone like you?" Noel asked, blocking the webs from the mechanical spiders that shot at her,

"Noel, whatever you do, don't listen to anything this bitch says, get it!" I yelled, shooting more shots at the doctor, and she easily dodged them. Noel just looked at me, questioning why I said that so suddenly. She definitely was suspicious of me and she had a good reason to be. "Fine, I won't listen. However, you will have to give me a reward after," she said, winking slightly.

"Fine, I will compensate you for all your troubles, okay?" I said, getting a slight cheer from Noel. I wasn't going at 100% despite the need to dispose of Dr. Arach, but if I got rid of her now, Akiha would definitely come for me and us plunder. I couldn't afford for that to happen, not yet at least.

"Damnit, hey Nanako, can you shift forms of the seventh holy scripture?" I asked. She quickly responded, telling me I could, but that would use up a lot of energy. I told her to do it anyways since I didn't have the Torture Instrument: Virgin Pain and couldn't afford to take any damage. I had Nanako shift forms of the seventh holy scripture to form two creating, the giant blade. I swung it around slicing Dr. Arach, who just laughed,

"Very interesting weapon there. Can it kill me though?" She mocked as she glared at Noel, "You really trust Ciel, don't you?" She asked if she was planting stuff in Noel's head. I had to stop her before she said something that should be left anonymous to her, but I could tell she was regenerating somehow, despite not being a vampire. To our knowledge, this isn't going to be easy, but we never intended it to be

"Shut up and stop talking your nonsense; we don't care about what you have to say!" I growled but Noel stooped me and glared back at Dr. Arach. "Go on, tell me what you know so we can get on with this," she said. To my dismay, Dr. Arach smiled, opening her mouth again. I switched back to form one of the seventh holy scripture and shot her in the mouth, getting a glare from Noel.

"Elisia, please just let her speak or do you have something to hide?" Noel asked. I gulped as I was caught red-handed. She knew I had something to hide. I didn't want her to know and she really wanted to figure it out to get some closure on her life that had been a living hell since the French incident. "So just so you know, Ciel was conscious and aware of her actions when she slaughtered your parents."

Dr. Arach said, "Shut up!" I screamed, throwing three black keys at her but the mechanical spiders started shooting them down.

"Worst of all, Ciel was planning on killing you too, but didn't since you were too pathetic and not even worth killing." Dr. Arach said that lying through her teeth Noel didn't say anything making me believe she was falling for this. The second part wasn't true and she had to know that. A mechanical spider shot a web out that was sharper than a blade, piercing my leg with it.

"You think I would fall for bullshit like that?" Noel said, glaring at Dr. Arach, "Elisia is the nicest girl I know. Don't tarnish her name, bastard!" Noel I yelled as I felt a sense of relief wash over me as Noel defended me from the accusations against me.

"Thank you for trusting me," I told Noel, who just smiled back. "No problem, I'm in love with you after all," she explained. Dr. Arach gagged at the sight of our romance. "You really are killing my mood," she spat angrily. She clearly wanted Noel to turn on me, but luckily for me, Noel didn't care about what happened years ago; she only cared about the present.

"Elisa, we probably should take out all the mechanical spiders in the area first!" Noel yelled while throwing keys at some of the spiders, destroying them. I tried to move but blood poured out of my wound when I tried. I think the web cut a tendon or something since my movement was limited. "Noel, you're going to have to wait for me to recover. I'll provide support!" I said Noel nodded, springing into action. I said

"Nanako release 30%" Nanako reluctantly did so, and I sprayed bullets all around since I didn't know the exact location of the spiders and wanted to dispose of them quickly.

"Not my beautiful arachnids!" "How the hell are we going to beat this?" Dr. Arach said worryingly before breaking out into laughter. "If you two really think my nano spiders are all I use, you couldn't be more wrong," she said as a spider ghoul appeared, hitting Noel and I to the ground. Everything went blurry as the giant ghoul approached us.

"How the hell are we going to beat this?" Noel said, losing all hope. I did too, as the deformed creature approached. This may be the end.

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