My Power

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Arcueid pov: "How do you... No, why do you still have so much power, you bastard?" My sister screamed at me.

"I trained... I want to atone for your actions, and I want to fight Sion again onee-onone no holds barred. Anything goes. I want to see who is stronger, and in order to do that, I have to defeat you."

"Is talking not an option?" She asked

"Are you going to talk?" I ask

"Nope," she replied.

She sprinted at me, launching blood slashes my way. I did a barrel role, dodging it with relative ease. I was trying to control my anger so I could stay as "Red" Arcueid for a little while longer.

"Well, aren't you just the perfect specimen that father wanted?" Altrouge screamed at me. She appeared in front of me and punched me, launching me back.

I backflipped, landing on my feet. "Altrouge, you can't hold this grudge!" I scream, "It's not my fault!" She cut me off, rushing at me and kicking me, but I blocked

"How isn't it your fault!?" She screams

"You act like I wanted to be the Brunestud successor!" I yelled at her.

"Then why go against the Tatari!?" Altrouge yelled

"I told you my motive..." I sigh.

Altrouge began to laugh and then shook her head. "Sion will suffer if you do this," she told me. I stared at her, confused at this.

"How will she suffer?" I ask

"The Tatari brings people what they most desire; it is the power to grant wishes or show people what they fear most," she said.

"Sion, what was her wish? What does she fear most?" I question

"They are one in the same," she said.

She didn't elaborate any further, launching more blood slashes at me. "Cryptic much!?" I growl

Using Weisse Katze I teleported to dodge the attack, and my sister ground her teeth in anger.

"Can't you just die!?" She yelled

"Nope..." I laugh and used Rage Moerder. I launched at her using a repeated slash. I managed to hit her, cutting into her chest. She jumped back and began to regenerate.

"You realize that your little plight is pointless because everyone is going to die before you beat me and can arrive there," she told me.

"I have faith in all of them. Even Ciel will be able to pull through. You keep underestimating my friends, and that will be your downfall!" I said

"Friend?" My sister sighed.

"Yes," I reply.

"Be realistic; the three that are fighting Zephia should be dead by now; Nrvnqsr should have finished absorbing the nuns into herself; and the last three..." she fell silent.

"I can feel Kohaku's life energy vanishing; however, I know that she won't die because we can't afford to die!" I scream

"How naive! What do you think some fairytale nonsense is going to save her!?" Altrouge screamed

"It hasn't been that long..." I say

My sister sighed. "You're correct..."

It has only been about a minute since this happened. I trust Hisui and Akiha.

"Even though I said I wasn't going to talk, I think this is nice. Because you know you can't beat me, so you are stalling," she said.

"I'll kick your ass." I spat

"You can't; that's why you want to talk," she laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "You piss me off..."

"Isn't that good?" She asked

I rushed her once again and threw a barrage of attacks; she blocked it over and over, and then I sent slashes at point blank, which sliced into her. "Altrouge, you haven't done damage!" I scream at her, laughing manically.

"That's because I've been going easy," she told me.

"Ara~, now I'm interested!" I giggle

She began to charge up as much as possible, and she then began to run around. I couldn't see her; she was really quick. My eyes could barely keep up, but it was enough that I could see her.

She shot past me, slicing into my shoulder. "Shit." I growled angrily before being hit in the back by my sister's "gah." I coughed blood out.

"Where is your confidence now, sis!?" Altrouge yelled

Every second I was hit by her attacks over and over again, I was gauging the situation and waiting to see what I needed to do to win.

I sensed Shiki in the distance; he seemed to be recovering. He'll need like thirteen minutes.

"You're distracted!" She screamed

It still hasn't been that long since Kohaku has been damaged like that, and I can sense she has been stabilized somehow, but her life force is still vanishing.

"Pay attention!!!!" My sister screamed.

"Shut the hell up!!!" I scream

I punched my sister in the face, which shocked her. She jumped back and wiped the blood off her face as I quickly regenerated.

"You could have stopped me that whole time, and yet you didn't!" She yelled

"Stop it..." I sigh, "I just am sensing..."

"You...Bitch!" She growled

"You don't have the right to be mad!"

My sister furrowed her eyes angrily. "You're throwing a tantrum now!" She screamed at me.

"So are you?" I laugh.

She was in a blind rage, and she launched at me with a straightforward attack that was easy to read. She succumbed to her anger and lost it here.

I raised my arm. "Pluto die Schwester," I laughed manically. My sister saw it become a little bit darker, and she looked up, noticing the moon-like object above her. I summoned a meteorite to crush her.

It was too late to stop, and I grabbed her. "Arcueid, you'll be crushed too!!!" She yelled

"So what?" I ask.

"The collateral damage will be immeasurable!" She screamed

"We are in a field in the middle of nowhere." I comment

Altrouge bit into my neck, trying to make me let go, but I wouldn't do that. "You can't kill Wallachia if you die!" She told me

"I just won't..." I tell her.

"Arcueid!!!" My sister screamed.

The meteorite collided with the ground, causing a big explosion. The town probably began to shake due to the collision, but we have to win no matter what it takes.

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