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harlee's pov:
tuesday night

I almost gasped out loud when I looked over to my bedside table. my alarm clock read ten o'clock.

that means javon has been here for four hours, and that also means my mom would be home soon.

I could easily say tonight has been one of the best nights I've ever had though.

javon and I did nothing but open up to each other the past few hours. talking about childhood memories and even what all lead up to this.

feeling the warmth of his body next to my own; has definitely become one of my favorite things.

just laying here next to him resting my head on his chest, and listening to his raspy voice is something I could do forever if I could.

another thing we talked about tonight was how our parents deaths affected us. and I think I'm putting the puzzle pieces together with him now.

slowly I lifted my head to see javon. his eyes sealed shut as his lips hung slightly agape, quiet snores leaving his mouth.

his head rested on top of mine while his arms were wrapped around my waist. making it almost impossible for me to move.

as much as I wanted this moment to last.. I knew it couldn't. because my mom would be home in the next thirty minutes.

"javon," I whispered up to him.

but he didn't respond, or even move.

I tapped his chest trying my hardest to wake him. "wanna, it's ten o'clock. my moms going to be home."

his eyes fluttered open, his long eyelashes hitting the skin above his eye.

"what?" he groaned in a confused tone. one of his hands leaving my waist to rub his eye.

just by the expressions on his face, it was evident that he was genuinely tired.

the thought of my mom walking in the front door made my body stiffen, and my mind go blank.

"my moms going to be home any minute." I told him in a low tone, letting his body adjust to the scene in the room.

his eyes squinted at me as he looked confused, but he quickly regained his track of mind. "five more minutes."

I looked to javon, seeing his eyes start to shut again. "it's getting late seriously."

"okay." he said to me in a plain tone, looking around the room.

"I'll see you at school?" my statement came out more as a question, as I looked up to his drowsy face.

javon's eyes grew wide, he gently sat up causing me to sit up as well. the warmth from his body was stripped away from mine.

"yeah," he mumbled before rubbing his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"okay." the volume of my voice reducing.

"want me to pick you up in the morning?" he asked, clearly still half asleep as he picked up his car keys from off of my desk.

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