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harlee's pov:

"I'm so damn tired." jaden complained in a whiny tone, both of his hands holding onto his stomach as his shoulders were slumped.

"then don't be out late on a school night?" ethan's eyebrows narrowed, speaking as if there was an obvious solution to jaden's problem.

his eyes widened at ethan as he pushed his back off of the locker, now standing up straight. "I would have, but I had to turn in a project since I'm going to be gone monday."

"why couldn't you just just turn it in late?" ethan laughed a bit at how jaden didn't think about the option.

"because my teacher is a bitch, I hate him." jaden defended, now being annoyed that ethan was stating the obvious.

javon laughed deeply as he held onto the straps of his backpack. "thankfully my teachers are letting me do my work when we get back." a wide smile was across his lips from the conversation.

"aren't you just blessed." jaden sarcastically smirked at javon, raising both of his eyebrows quickly up, then down in order to tease his brother.

javon's fist quickly came into contact with jaden's stomach, punching him for teasing him. "fuck you."

a laugh escaped my mouth at their stupid argument, finding it humorous.

jaden held onto his stomach from the small amount of pain javon's punched had caused him. "sensitive bitch." he mumbled, hoping to insult him.

"yo j," wanna spoke in order to his brothers attention. "ken's coming." jadens head motioned in the direction behind me, wanting me to turn around.

instead of just jaden turning, all three of us turned to see what javon was talking about.

kennedy had a wide smile across her lips, walking towards me quickly with her eyes looking at only me. in her hand was a medium sized bag.

my heart felt like it had stopped beating for a second, dropping to my stomach as my brain reminisced on kennedy, klai, and I's plans for the weekend.

"hey kennedy." I exhaled a large breath, my eyes being wide with excitement.

"congrats on getting accepted girl." kennedy had a smooth smirk across her lips, holding up the gift bag with only a couple of fingers.

"what?" javon mumbled sternly, my side of my eyes seeing his head turn to look down at me.

I looked up to him, feeling myself hesitate on what to say. his eyebrows were furrowed at me, being confused as to what was going on, and why I didn't tell him.

my head stayed aimed at kennedy, letting a small smile force over my lips-not showing my teeth. "you didn't have to get me anything." I informed her, not liking when people spend money on me.

"shut up I'm really proud of you." she squinted her eyes at me while shaking her head as if I were being ridiculous.

I looked down to the black bag that was in her hand, exhaling a deep breath as my eyes looked at it. even though I didn't want to, I took the bag from her hand. "thank you."

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