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harlee's pov:
thursday afternoon

I gently dapped the beauty blender against my skin trying my hardest to cover up the mark on my neck.

it's been a couple of days and you'd expect it would be healing.

but no it's only getting darker which is getting harder and harder to hide from my mom.

I looked up to the dirty school mirror trying to see if I made any progress, and for the most part it was covered.

a stall door opened catching me off guard. my eyes shifted up to the mirror to see who it was.

"oh, hey harlee." paige spoke walking over to the sink right next to me.

I let out a breath of relief, placing the foundation and blender back into my makeup bag. "hey paige." my tone was bland.

paige and I talked a couple of times during middle school because she's friends with sidney. but since then, I don't think I've said a single word to either of them.

paige laughed softly, "haven't seen you in forever." she said to me innocently twisting the sink handles.

my eyes shifted over to look at her, seeing her focused on washing her hands.

"sidney wouldn't be mad you're talking to me?" I laughed, lifting my eyebrows.

"I don't talk to sidney that much anymore. I thought you'd know that." she shook her head, scoffing under her breath.

"how would I know that?" I asked her picking up my makeup bag from off of the bathroom sink.

"not sure." she said going over to the paper towels. "I just thought she'd say something about it to someone."

a small laugh left my mouth as I watched her dry her hands, "well I haven't heard anything about it."

her eyes widened at me as she took her long blonde hair, that was practically at her butt, and started braiding it.

"harlee, who did it?" a smile spread across her lips.

"did what?" my jaw dropped confused as to what she was talking about.

"your hickey." she whisper yelled at me trying to hold back a laugh.

and right at that moment my facial expression dropped once I realized I didn't cover it well enough, and now it's visible.

out of all the people in the world shes the second to last person I want to tell about this.

my mom being the last.

I rubbed my lips together nervously not sure if I should say it or not.

"you alright?" her voice sounded worried as she tied the hair tie around the ends of her hair.

"well is it okay if I ask you something?" I questioned to her as her eyes looked down to the ground.

"is it about javon?" she asked, slowly lifting her eyes back up to meet me.

I nodded my head, "yes." my voice was hardly even heard.

talking about javon just makes me so embarrassed. even though ninety-nine percent of the school doesn't know it's a fake relationship.

just being associated with someone with such a bad reputation can get a little, frustrating.

"what do you want to know?" she breathed through her mouth, as I shrugged slightly.

"what were him and sidney?" I clenched my jaw tightly, as she started to speak.

"honestly, I don't think javon ever really liked sidney. but she tried to force herself on him which just made the whole situation worse." she admitted, plastering a small fake smile on her face.

I tried my best to not get upset, but why am I even getting upset over javon in the first place?

"oh well," I said trying to avoid eye contact with her at all cost. "it was good seeing you."

"yeah, it's been awhile." she told me licking her lips slowly.

"hopefully you and sidney will make up." I told her genuinely routing for their friendship. "see you later."

"bye." she said to me as she walked out of the bathroom door. not turning around again.

I bit my bottom lip in utter shock at the conversation I just had with paige. I never thought I would actually be talking to her after all the bull shit with sidney and I.

the way I feel about javon is strange.

I like talking about him to my friends and people I'm close with, but when someone from school, for instance paige, ask me about him it's embarrassing.

because I don't want to seem like an idiot to someone who doesn't know the full story.

because in reality I'm not dumb.

this is all simply to get back at sidney for klai.

and I have to constantly remind myself of that, because ever since the other night. I cant get him off of my mind.

which is embarrassing to say but it's true.

this is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I didn't want myself to catch feelings for him, but I am.

and now I need to start distancing myself from him before it can get any worse.

I haven't updated in forever you guys and I am so sorry. I started school a couple of weeks ago and it hit me hard. love you guys❤️

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