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harlee's pov:

jaden's hand held tightly onto my waist, holding onto the night gown that the hospital had put me in. my arm wrapped around his neck, holding onto him for support.

"just calm down." his voice stayed low, not wanting me to get frustrated.

I closed my eyes, inhaling a deep breath as I listened to his words, trying to not let my anger get the best of me.

"maybe we should wait a couple days for your wounds to heal before you try and move around." the nurse suggested, a look of concern laced in her facial expressions from seeing me struggle.

I lifted my head to look at her, my eyebrows staying sharply narrowed. "Im fine." I spoke in a stern tone. "I want to see him."

she nodded her head to show that she understood me, pushing the wheel chair closer to me.

after calming down, slowly, jaden helped me lean backwards a bit and sat me down into the wheel chair.

a sharp pain felt like it had shot in my thigh, causing me to pause for a second, followed by a shaky breath to escape my mouth.

I allowed myself to adjust in the chair to where I would no longer feel the sharp pain, then cleared my throat in order to hide the pain.

"you okay?" jaden asked as he fully let go of me, stepping back to look at me.

I blinked a couple of times before looking up to him. "I'm fine." I told him in a low voice, not wanting anyone to worry about me.

"I have to tell you," the nurse caught my attention, causing both jaden and I to turn towards her. "he's just waking up from his surgery so he might be a little drowsy."

immediately after the words left her mouth, a light smile appeared on my lips.

"now," she paused writing something on the whiteboard on the wall. "let's go see how he's doing." she turned her head back and forth between jaden and I.

I turned my head, looking up at jaden who was standing behind me with his hands on the handles of the wheel chair. "lead the way." he smiled at the nurse.

she began walking out of the room as jaden turned the wheelchair I was in, following behind her.

my mom went home to wash up and grab some new clothes, so if I was going to see javon this was the time to do so.

we turned out of the room and she led us all the way down the hall, then stopped in front of the room 615.

the nurse reached for the door handle, opening it as quiet as possible incase javon was sleeping, then held the door open for jaden and I to walk in.

"I'm wishing you the best." she smiled softly as jaden walked us into the room, then she shut the door behind us.

my eyes landed on javon laying in the hospital bed, his eyes closed from being asleep. his head laid against the pillows on the bed. his entire face was pale, looking drained.

jaden let go of my wheelchair once I was at the edge of the bed, looking at javon. he walked to where he was now standing next to wanna's bed. "javon." he spoke in a whisper, his hand gently touching javons shoulder.

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