forty two

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harlee's pov:
monday night

the light rain tapped on my window, being the only sound that I could hear throughout my whole house; peaceful.

my mom was working the night shift today and tomorrow, leaving just me at the house for the next couple nights. tony offered to stay at the house, but I told him I would be okay.

I laid in bed, light from the moon outside shined into my room, allowing my eyes to stare at the ceiling.

my chest breathed heavily in and out silently as my thoughts stayed stuck inside my head, preventing me from falling asleep.

as my ears listened in on the sound of the rain drops hitting against my windowsill, an unspecified noise caught my attention.

my eyebrows furrowed as I listened in, hearing what sounded almost like a faded knock from downstairs.

it was quiet, barley anything.

I sat up in my bed, allowing the sheets to fall off of my body-leaving me in my pajama shorts, and my tee shirt that went down to my mid-thigh.

my eyes darted to my clock, seeing it was

my head turned towards my bedroom door, seeing that it was open as it usually is when I sleep. the hallway was dark, but my eyes easily adjusted to it.

the faded knocking continued, causing my brain to become more confused; not being able to tell whether someone was knocking, or if it was just the rain some how.

every minute, there were three light knocks that reflected the same noise our front door usual makes when people knock, letting me know that someone was for sure at my front door.

my hand grabbed onto the sheets, pulling them off of me as I stood up onto my own two feet. quietly, I walked along my wooden floor, exiting my room and going into the hallway.

the knocking had stopped until I got to the stairs, then three more faded knocks sounded.

once I got to the edge of the stairs, looking in the direction-of the front door.

instantly, a fear hit my heart seeing a dark figure standing on the other side of the small window that was on my front door.

due to how soft the knocks were, I figured that this person doesn't mean any harm. if they do, then that's a shame for me.

my hand grabbed onto the door knob, twisting it without making a single noise before gently pulling the large wooden door open.

the sound of rain became louder from being exposed to the outdoors, the water trickling down the gutters.

my eyes widened seeing javon standing in front of me on my porch, shocked that he was here standing on my doorstep.

his eyes sagged, looking more tired than I have ever seen him before. his entire face looked drained of color, only a tint of red underneath his eyes.

his face was wet, from what I assumed were tears, but his hair was wet from the rain, so I didn't assume he had been crying.

my heart began to race as so many questioned rushed through my head. my eyes stayed wide as my hand grabbed onto his wrist, pulling him inside of my house.

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