Chapter 58

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Chapter 58: Business is Booming

Wan Tie and Yun Niang were both thrilled that the schoolbag business was taking off, servants like them who had signed indentures with the masters relied heavily on the masters' livelihood.

Wan Tie knew neither Lu Lin nor Chen Xiao Mi would abuse them, but he used to worry what if they masters' business fail and they couldn't afford to pay their wages. But now he let out a sigh, he was confident in the prospect of the commercial house.

Wan Tie didn't want much in life, he just hoped his son could grow healthily and happily.

Lu Lin came back home this day only to find Chen Xiao Mi studying the sketch book attentively, Lu Lin told Chen Xiao Mi the day before about zipper and how zipper could make a schoolbag more functional and presentable. It turned out Chen Xiao Mi was studying the sketches and trying to come up with a substitute for zipper.

"The schoolbag business has become a hit!" Chen Xiao Mi grinned.

Lu Lin started to sell schoolbags after he built up a good stock, but now the products were about to well out. The product was so popular that not only kids in this town were buying but kids from neighboring towns were also buying.

Lu Lin nodded, "That's a good thing."

Lu Lin taught Chen Xiao Mi multiplication table days ago, Chen Xiao Mi was a quick learner, Lu Lin had also taught Chen Xiao Mi addition and subtraction, now Chen Xiao Mi had mastered them through account checking at night.

Wan Tie was the manager of the commercial shop, but Chen Xiao Mi would check the account every night, the reasons were twofold, firstly they could have a more direct understanding about the profits and secondly it was good math practice for Chen Xiao Mi.

Chen Xiao Mi ticked off the beads on his abacus and said, "We have sold 210 schoolbags in total, minus the expenditure such as the wages for our workers and maintenance, our net income is 40 taels!"

Chen Xiao Mi let out a sigh of relief that they finally started to have a favorable balance, he was so anxious during the past few days that they had spent money like water. And now they finally started to make a profit, that was great news, it had soothed Chen Xiao Mi's nerves a great deal.

"But we need to have a sense of danger and crisis, the schoolbag business is a hit now, but I think it will go downhill soon." Chen Xiao Mi expressed his concern.

Lu Lin nodded, "I agree."

There were only a limited number of school kids in town, their business would take a bad turn after every school kid bought a bag from them. Lu Lin could feel they had less customers recently.

"I still have confidence in the business if we can launch new products." Replied Lu Lin.

Chen Xiao Mi doodled on the paper and said, "Maybe we can design bags for those rich ladies in town."

Lu Lin nodded, "That's definitely a good idea! There are so many rich ladies in town who do nothing but playing mahjong and going to the theater all day."

"Yeah, but that cannot be rushed, let's give it a bit more time till we gain a firm foothold."

The two looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

Lu Lin decided to take Chen Xiao Cai and Chen Xiao Mai to make a trip to Big Stone Village soon, the vegetables in their veggie patch must be ripe now, Lu Lin wanted to harvest them, Lu Lin was still very frugal even though they were leading a wealthy life.

Chen Xiao Cai and Chen Xiao Mai missed their little friends in the village as well, they didn't say anything to Lu Lin, but Lu Lin cold tell.

Lu Lin took Wan Xiao Fan back to the village together with Chen Xiao Cai and Chen Xiao Mai, he only knew the Wans for a short period of time, he was worried what if the Wans escaped while he and Chen Xiao Mi were away, so he invited Wan Xiao Fan to go back to the Big Stone Village with them. Wan Tie and Yun Niang knew Lu Lin's real intention and they allowed Wan Xiao Fan to go with them with alacrity.

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