✗ thirty eight ✗

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⚊ chapter thirty eight

And what do we do when we're feeling stressed out?

Watch a murder documentary that you somehow saved offline in your Youtube app and then plan how you'd do it without getting caught.

Many might disagree wih my plan, but that's all I have right now in mind.

Plus, it's easier to get it in action when the whole floor we were in is painted in nothing but inkly black of dark stormy night.

If it wasn't for Nishimura clinging onto me like a baby monkey, then I would've killed him but he's too sweet right now and I can't do anything about if I'm too weak for this cute giant shit.

The storm was getting worse and the power had yet to return. I was continously checking my phone for any warnings in case we got sunk in here and die because of the flooding.

But none appeared even though the trees around the building were hitting the walls and windows aggressively. Maybe I was exaggerating but I swear they remind of the Whomping Willow from Harry Potter.

I fear their branches would break through the glasses, get one of us and throw us high to be devoured if a tornado can happen in this city.

If it can, then the tree should grab Nishimura instead of me. I still have a lot of dreams to grab, oh my Lord Jesus!

"Are you sure we shouldn't leave?", I asked to Ni-ki. We were now leaning against the wall, the farthest from the windows.

"Would you like for us to drive in my motorcycle in this weather?", he replied sarcastically.

I shook my head, "No"

"Then no", is all he said. I huffed but he didn't even budge from beside me.

He even warned me not to use my phone or else the thunder might strike us here.

Any of my friends still hadn't replied to my messages, so I sent an alarming text in our group chat and finally did Chenle reply, telling me they were safe in Sunhee's house and they'd call me once things settle down.

I did not know what that meant for their party, but it was enough for me for the time being.

Ni-ki is now opening a packet of gummy bear, "You know", he spoke, catching my attention, "When I was younger, I used to cry during thunderstorms"

My chest shook with a laugh, "Oh really?"

"Oh yeah", He nodded and handing the gummies to me, "My mom would hold me and my dad would just be scolding me in the background for not being a good example to my younger sister"

I sank against him, in his shoulder as he told me about his childhood. I thought about what his family is like and how could they let him to live alone here while they're in Japan?

"Are you going to cry now? Because let me tell you how I'm not good at comforting a person", I admitted nonchalantly.

He let out a short laugh, "I'm sure you would still hug me once I started to sob"

"I don't think so", I countered back.

From the flashlight in his phone that he placed against a desk's leg to face us, I was able to see a look of mischief crossed his face before he hid behind his hands and made a loud bawling sound.

"Ni-ki, this is no time for jokes", I drew in a dramatic breath. Don't tell me he was being serious?

His shoulders shook with vigor as he tilt toward me. The weight of his body rammed into me and I put my hands out to hold him up, but the closer he leaned, the further I fell. The back of his head landed on my lap eventually.

Annoyingly Yours ⚊ Nishimura Riki [#3]Where stories live. Discover now