i'm sorry

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Brent's pov

I was driving but right as i was about to go on the highway i saw pierson.
Was she just sitting there in the sand? I pulled over and parked i went over to pierson to see her crying.

With brent and pierson

P- brent leave me alone i trusted you

Br- i know you did pierson. Eva lied i was not with her last night you know that i was with you

P- oh i guess i just look stupid now

Br- no in fact you look gorgeous

P- aww thank you. Come sit

She said well patting beside her. Brent went and sat next to her and pierson put her head on Brent's shoulder

P- you know when we were online friends i had no idea you would be like this

Br- what do you mean "no idea i would be like this"

P- nothing i just thought that you were always gonna remain friends

Br- oh i always knew something like this would've happened

P- what?

Br- no i just knew that we were going to date

P- oh

Br- i dont mean it in a creepy way and btw you know when you said if i want it i should get it. Meaning if i want you i should get you

P- yeahhh. Where are you going with this..

Br- lets just say you might wanna get ready. Not meaning its gonna happen. lets go back to my house

P- oh I'll just call my mom and tell her i am staying over

They went to the car and pierson called her mom on aux

P- hey mama

Pm= piersons mom

Pm- hey sweetie

P- im going to be staying at brents house tonight if thats ok

Pm- ok sure just use protection



Pm- hi brent i never knew you were in the car

P- mama i call you in the morning bye

She ends the call

Br- pierson


Br- pierson



P- sorry

Br- what was that about?

P- I may or may have not been waiting for something to happen. BUT THATS NOT THE POINT

Br- Pierson you know i love you if you felt that way. Why did you not tell me?

P- because its embarrassing

Br- oh don't feel embarrassed

P- ok sorry

They talk and they eventually go to Brent's house

Brent and Pierson sat in the living room and watched some TV

Br- Pierson you know when you said that earlier you are such a tease

Pierson started to get turned on

P- oh what your trying to say is you want me

Br- well duh

P- not yet hun

Br- ugh why are you so smexy

Person's phone started to ring

P- hold on i have to take this

She went in the backyard (yes its still night 7:00 to be exact)

P- wassup party people welcome back to my channel and today we are going to be doing a long awaited prank on Brent that i am cheating on him.

To be continued


yeah... idk what to say lmao

Words: 480

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