Be happy for me

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Logan came and found them

P- angelaaaaaaaa

An- piersonnnnn, I love you

P- I love you too

They hugged eachother

L- okay lets get you guys in the car

They kept saying flirty stuff to eachother (THEY ARE HIGH)

He lifted pierson up and put her in the front and he put angela in the back

L- okay lets try to not forget that pierson your married and Angela your dating my dad

P- ughhh being married is a struggleeee

Logan drove them home

L- okay Angela you stay in the car im going to put pierson to bed

P- its too earlyyyy for bedddd

L- yeah but you clearly need it

P- no i dontttt

She smiled

L- yes you do

Logan carried her to her room and placed her on the bed

pierson laughed a bit

P- i should call brent

L- why?

Logan siad while tucking her in

P- because i should hook up with him

L- your drunk pierson

P- but at the same time angela is reallyyyy hot

Logan laughed a bit

L- your married and your straighter then a line

P- yes yes straiter then a freaking line

Pierson smiled

L- goodnight pp

Logan kissed her on the forehead then went outside to get Angela

L- ready to go to sleep

An- hell no

Angela got out and tried to run but she fell

L- this is starting to take me a long time. I wonder how much drugs you geys took

An- no drugs, drugs are bad

L- your right drugs are bad so dont ever take them okay?

An- blah blah so boring

Logan laughed

L- lets let you sleep this off before dad comes home and sees this

Logan carried her up to another room and put her to bed

L- goodnight

An- night night

Logan went downstairs and watched some tv while the girls where sleeping then someone rang the doorbell

L- give me a break

He went to answer it and it was brent

L- what do you want now?

Br- well i made pierson her fav food because i know she wont eat what you guys have here so just so she dosent starve

Brent handed it to her

Br- im not asking for you guys to forgive me or anything but please make sure shes okay logan

L- I don't agree with what you did at all but I will take care of pierson for you

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