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At amp with everybody but pierson

Br- guys the reason i have gathered all of you here is because i was thinking that we could go on a vacation

Lr- hold up is pierson not going?

A- yeah why is she not here

Br- guys yes she's coming

Lh- hold up are we just gonna forget about the twins?

B- yeah we haven't seen them ever since the whole pierson accident

Br- true lets call them after.

J- then why is pierson not here?

Br- because i want it to be a surprise

Lr- aww how cute you went from being the brother that couldn't make a move to now taking your girl on a vacation

Br- shut up

They all agree on going to france because brent already bought the tickets

Br- anyways I'll tell her to come over

On call with brent and pierson (she is on speaker)

Br- hello pier

P- hello brent

Br- brent?

P- yeah what happened?

Br- you called me by my name

P- im just kidding hi brenty

Br- hello. Anyways-


P- hi guys

Br- anyways what i was saying is that can you come over to amp?

P- sure why tho?

Br- we're filming a video

P- ok I'll be there

They hung up

Br- guys how do i surprise pierson that we are going on vacation?

B- maybe blind fold her and put her on the plane?

Lh- no are you stupid it will bring back bad memories

D- i have an idea what about you put the tickets in your room and tell her to go in there and she will see them

Br- good idea but I'll add my own twist

Pierson arived

P- hey guys

All not br- hey pierson

Pierson went to go sit by brent on the couch

Br- follow me upstairs in a minute

P- why

Br- just trust me

Brent ran upstairs

P- why is brent acting so wierd

B- idk

Lh- you should probly go and see it has been a minute

P- ok fine

Pierson went upstairs. Right as she was about to enter the room brent comes out of it

Br- put this blindfold on

*she puts it on*

P- brent hurry up your scaring me

Brent and pierson walk into the room and brent pushed her on the bed so she was under him

Br- now i have a little gift for you

P- w-what is it

Brent took her blindfold off and has the tickets in his hand

P- are we going on vacation?

Br - YUP

P- yay!!

Brent kisses pierson on the lips and gets off her

And then they sit on the bed

Br- did you like the suprise

P- sure did! When are we going?

Br- tomorrow

P- WHAT i didn't even pack

Br- don't worry your mom packed your stuff

P- wait when

Br- she should be doing it right now

P- i am so dead

Br- why? Whats there to hide

P- oh nothing

Br- ok well we should go downstairs now

P- okay brenty

Br- pierson stop trying to turn me on

P- no brenty

Br- whatever

They went downstairs

Br- are you guys ready to leave tomorrow

All- yep

Br- Ok good im just trying to make sure everything's perfect

A- for pierson

They all hangout untill it became late at night

J- i better start heading home

A- yeah me too

Lh,b,d,- me too

P- yeah i better head home

Br- I'll drop you off pierson

All- S.I.M.P

Br- shut up

The others leave except for lexi rivera and Brent dropped pierson home


Hope you guys liked it sorry for not posting yesterday

Words: 623

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