Doing your own thing

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Still on the plane

Pierson's pov

I feel like Brent is kinda sad he overthinks all the time and I didn't make it better by saying "I guess" at the end after I said I loved him. Let me text the Lexi's

On the group chat

P- hey guys

Lr- Pierson you know we are right behind you, you do not have to text

P- No I do because it's about Brent


P- no no not at all

Lr- good

Lh- great, so what's going on

P- You know how Brent overthinks a lot

Lr- yeah just like you

P- It's not about me rn Lexi. Anyways I said "I guess" after I said I loved him

Lh- ohh wow

Lr- ok and?

Lh- lexi are you dumb

Lr- whateves

P- he might think i don't love him anymore

Lr- oh well just give him cuddles and tell him you mean it when you say you love him

Lh- yeah just do that. He won't think twice about it bc you're giving him attention

P- ok thanks you guys

Lr- no problem

Off text

P- Brent?

Br- yes Pierson

P- I love you

Br- I love you too

P- Can we cuddle?

Br- sure love

(Idk how big the seats are in a plane I have never been on one so just make it work🤭)

With the Lexi's in the row behind Brierson

Lr- Lexi

Lh- yeah

Lr- what's going on with the twins

Lh- idk

Lr- after Pierson almost got kidnapped the first time they just never showed up

Lh- yeah and I also think it's kinda mean that they did not help Pierson

Lr- Yeah and they have been ignoring everybodys calls

Lh- and their location is off

Lr- should we be worried?

Lh- no because they posted a story of them on a plane

Lr- oh so maybe they have airplane mode on

Lh- yeah maybe

In the back with the twins

Alex- are you sure that we have to do this

Alan- Yes because Brent can't just steal my girl

Alex- she is not your girl

Alan- for now

Fl= flight attendant


Alex- your crazy Alan

Alan- I know I am

Sorry that I didn't post in a while it's because I just didn't feel like wrighting.

Anyways how have you guys been doing just checking loves 😻💘

Words: 368

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