"I thought i was getting better"

122 5 3

He walked in

P- do you like it?

Br- i love it! Thanks baby

P- okay go change into something more comfortable and then we can start

Brent changed his clothes and they both sat around the table

Br- wow you actually listen to me

He picked a candle up

P- you took them all so even if i wanted to i couldn't

He laughed a bit. He took a lighter from his back pocket and lit the candles

P- thank you, now try the food

Br- you made this?

P- duhhh

Br- this is going to be interesting

P- hey! Just try it

Brent put some on seweed and ate it

Br- hold on that's actually really good. This shit taste exactly like sushi oml

P- im glad you like it

They kept eating and talking until Piersons remembered that he wanted to talk about something

P- didn't you say that you wanted to talk to me?

Br- oh yeah i did

He took ome last bite of his food

Br- okay i have two things to say but ill start it off easy

She started getting nervous

Br- you know that time when you said that you would take a week to think about the suicide thing?

P- mhm

Br- are you still thinking about it? And be serious because its just you and me here

She opened her mouth but no words came out. She wasn't expecting him to ask that

P- i- i

They looked into eachothers eyes

Br- you can be honest

P- yes, i am buttttt i am getting better so the chances are low

Br- whats something that would bring you to your last straw

P- why are you asking me this?

Br- i just wanna know

P- either my mom or twan. I just dont want anything bad to happen to my mom. Before she left she gave me this vase and idk it means a lot to me, i just miss her. And twan hes just a lot, but hes not bothering me right now

Br- don't forget that you can always talk to me

P- i know i won't forget, now whats the last thing that tou have to say?

He help her hands and took a deep breath

Br- okay i know you might get a little mad at me but its for a good cause

P- your scaring me

Br- no dont be scared

P- then hurry up and spill

Br- I put you in the system

P- wdym you put me in the system?

Br- i wanted more help for you and on friday i went online to search up some people that could help you and i found out that the goverment is helping people with mental problems and i clicked the link and i sighed you up and the first meet or whatever is on monday

Baby just say yesWhere stories live. Discover now