"their spying on us"

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Br- I guess not

P- but I'm still upset

Br- you guys she put your luggage away

Liv- okay then what should we do after that?

B- we could go out for breakfast or something

A- by the time we all get ready and stuff it's gonna be lunchtime

B- so lunch it is?

S- I guess so

Everyone goes upstairs except for brierson

They both went and sat on the couch

Br- so why did you have a bat under the bed?

P- well yk twan and eva and olaf?

Br- mhm

P- there spying on us

Br- what? How do you know that?

P- because everytime we meet with them they always bring up stuff that they went even there for

Br- like what?

P- like at the airport after our honeymoon eva said i was a whore because of the outfit that i wore for you

Br- ooohhh

P- and she also said that my dad was gonna be mad at me because i wasnt pregnant. But to be fair she was right that time. And then the time that we went to pottery she said something about my arms like how did she even know about that? You didn't even know at the time

Br- were all not safe here anymore

P- duuuhhh

Br- will it make it any better if I help protect the house?

P- uuh I guess you could help me set up security cams for the house

Br- okay I'll go buy some

P- I already bought some tho

Br- oh okay

P- and don't tell them, I don't want them to freak out

Br- okay but if it get to serious we have to okay?

P- okay

Everyone came downstairs except lexi and Andrew

S- you guys good? Looks like you guys saw a ghost or something

P- yeah were fine

Br- where is Andrew and my sister?

Liv- idk

B- should we go get them?

N- let's wait a couple minutes, I mean its lexi and Andrew they care a lot about their looks

Br- ehhh I guess

They waited ten minutes and they still weren't downstairs

Br- okay it's safe to say that we should go check on them

P- okay fine

They went upstairs and knocked on the door. There was no response then they all opened the door and they where making out

S- umm guys?

Liv- hello?

They separated

Lr- I swear it's not what it looks like

They all stared at them

Lr- okay maybe it is but still

Br- wtf

P- and you say were gonna do something

B- well i never knew they where together

A- were not tho


P- brent its fine

Br- not its not okay

P- what about we wait in the car? Yeah we'll wait in the car

Pierson and brent left

In the car With brent and pierson

Br- *cough* 

P- you good?

Br- mhm my throats just itchy. Why in the world does Andrew have to like my sister? Like there's so many people to like other than her.

P- you can't control love. And out of all people I'd think you'd know that

Br- I do know that but it sucks because I just want the best for her

P- I know you do and I'm fully with that but can you not try and ruin what they have?

Br- I won't

P- thank you baby

Pierson kissed him and then it lead to more

B- and that's exactly why you guys can't be alone

P- give us a break and when did you get here?

Liv- two seconds ago

They all went to get lunch

They sat around and when they where eating pierson saw someone spying on them

P- holy fucking shit

Pierson started shaking

Lr- you good pierson?

P- yeah... let's hurry so we can go home

Brent looked really pale

P- are you okay Brent?

Br- no im actually feeling kinda hot and not the good kind

P- are you feeling sick?

Pierson put her hand on brents head

P- yeah you're sick we need to get you to amp. Can you guys eat a little bit faster please?

N- yep got it

They finished eating and went to amp.

*skip to when everyone went in their rooms*

Pierson put a hot towel on Brent's head and tucked him in

P- how did you even get sick?

Br- your asking me like I know

P- no need to have a attitude. Go to sleep for now and in the morning if your still under the weather I'll make you some soup.

Br- thank you

P- i love your voice when your sick

Br- thank you and can you cuddle with me please??

P- ofc i will my love

Pierson got in the bed and they both cuddled and feel asleep

*in the middle of the night*

Pierson woke up because she heard a noise coming form the bathroom

Piersons pov

I heard a noise and i dont want to wake brent up because hes sick. Anf i dont want to disturb him from getting his rest that he needs

She got up and took her bat with her. She turned on the bathroom light and saw Olaf. She paniced and hit him with the bat

P- holy shit

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