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Br- are you only asking me this because of your dad? Because if you are it's a no

P- what? No ofc not

Br- are you sure

P- mhm positive

Br- well in that case for when now or in the future?

P- well not exactly now but soon

Br- yeah sure. Do you want kids?

P- yeah i do but can we plan it?

Br- ofc we can. What are you thinking?

P- i haven't gotten that far yet but all i know is that we should shop for the baby and then in like two months from now (it will be june) we could maybe try so that I'll have a flat stomach during summer and in the winter it will get bigger

Br- mm okay how much do you want?

P- i was thinking 6?

Br- 6!?!!? Thats a lot how about 3?

P- thank god that you agreed with me that 6 is too much

Br- who told you to have six

P- lexi

Br- my sister?

P- yep

Br- ommggg ill talk to her about that

P- no not yet i dont want them knowing that i asked you

Br- why not?

P- she will keep bringing it up

Br- oooohhh

Knock knock

J- can i come in?

P- oh yeah jeremy i forgot. We stop talking about this right now okay?

Br- mhn got it

P- come in jeremy

Jeremy came in

They all went to sleep

*in the morning*

Pierson woke up first

P- hes so handsome

She stared at brents hand gripping his pillow and she blushed

Piersons pov

Am i a creep? Why do i like the look of brents veiney hands?

Brent woke up

Br- goodmorning beautiful

P- goodmorning

He sat up. Pierson kept looking at his hand

Br- anything planed for today?

P- yeah umm we have to go over to logans to help clean

Br- why do you look so nervous?

He noticed that she was looking at his hand

Br- i know the rings i have are pretty cool huh

He showed her

P- not the rings

Br- then what do you like?

P- nothing

Brent put his hand behind her ear and he kissed her.

Br- i have no clue whats going on with you this morning but you can always talk to me

He traced her lip with his thumb

P- umm mhm

She got up and bilted to the lexis room and slamed the door

Baby just say yesWhere stories live. Discover now