Dress fitting pt2

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S- okay so what kind of dress are you thinking about?

P- lets keep this classic so maybe like a flower dress

Lexi went and picked out a dress

Lr- do you like this one?

P- i mean its okay ill try it on firs-

*brent was calling her*

P- wait brents calling me

Lr- no you cant answer

P- but

S- no

P- bu-

Liv- nope

lexi r took her phone

Lr- ill hold on to this

pierson went in the change room

Lr- did you girls hear about when this girls husband abused her 

Lh- that happened to my friend so she had to move

S- yeah i know a lot of people that have trauma from that

P- im done

she walked out

P- is it true that people get abused by there husbands?

Lr- yeah all the time

P- for what?

Liv- when they think the girl was cheating or you dont answers his calls and more stuff

P- oh

Lr- but off that topic. you look great!

P- thanks but i dont really like this one

Liv- understood 

the girls went and got pierson a new dress

S- what about this one?

P-  a little better

Pierson  went to try it on

Liv- should we make pierson call brent?

P- yes, yes you should

LR- why?

liv- because hes probably just worried about her

Lr- but he shouldn't tho because he knows shes with me plus i dont have andrew calling my phone all the time

P- didnt you kiss andrew?

Lr- shush and put on your dress

S- true didnt you kiss him?

Lr- yeah and confessed my felling's for him

Liv- so then why dont you make a move?

Lr- because i just dont actually like him like him

P- WHAT me and bent where thinking double dates and on top of that i had to convince him to let you date andrew

Lr- and how did you do that?

P- oh dont worry about that 

S- oop

Lr- okay off this topic, come out the change room now

P- okay okay

pierson walked out

Liv- i like this one 

Lr- me too

S- me three

P- it doesn't feel right. can i pick the next one?

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