🍾Pierson and Angela 🚬

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P- well um I uhh

An- if it's about the sh I've seen it

P- no its not that

An- then whats it about darling?

Pierson looked at her and tilted her head a bit

P- yk

An- if it's what I'm thinking you deserve all my love like I'm dead serious

L- what are you thinking?

An- see I don't want to say it because its pretty harsh

L- trust me she's done some pretty harsh stuff

P- logan

L- I'm just saying, but back to Angela

An- well im guessing based of what you told me and what I've hear in the past you were thinking about su!icide

L- nu uh pierson would neverrrr

P- yeah.. I Would never

Angela looked at her and gave her "the look" pierson mouthed at her

P- I'll tell you later

Pierson's phone rang

L- who's calling?

P- it's brent

L- don't anwser that shit

P- no I think he deserves an answer. I'll be back

Pierson left and went upstairs


P- hello?

Br- hello my love I'm soo sorry

P- stop, if you called me to just apologize I suggest you stop because your just making me pissed

Br- okay I wont but Is your dad at logans house with you?

P- how do you know that im at logans house? My locations off

Br- well um I

P- so you followed me here?

Br- it was for a good purpose tho

P- idc I dont need you to follow me anywhere. Why can't I just leave and be by myself for a while without you going all crazy?

Br- because I care about you

P- if you cared about me you would leave me alone so I can re group myself

Br- Baby common

P- no don't "baby" me I'm telling you that I need space. Like leave me alone and stop calling my phone simple as that

Br- pierson what we did was very wrong and im sorry for that

P- don't try and glue the group into this you're the one who initiated it you're the one who told them to ignore me so I don't know why you're saying we

Br- okay okay I messed up I should have talked to you before choosing to ignore you and I'm sorry

P- see I'm really over it right now so I don't really care if your sorry or not. Just stop calling my phone and leave me alone

She hung up

Piersons pov

Do I feel bad? No not at all because they don't know what I've been through to keep them all safe and the fact that he could ignore me like that without even telling me what I did wrong was just so out of proportion. You know what I think I deserve a little drink if you ask me

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