When the blues hit all you wanna do is sleep

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P- i hope sofies okay. it must be really hard for her to accept this

Lr- im sure she will be fine after all she did say you guys were right.

P- i know but we made her go home

A- well we technically didn't make her go home

P- Andrew you dont understand

A- what is there to understand? we gave her our opinion and she took it into consideration and did what she thought was appropriate i dont see whats wrong

Br- pierson maybe hes right

N- i mean she did say that she needed some time to gather herself so maybe thats a good thing

P- yeah mhm sure

Pierson stood up

P- ill be back

Br- where are you going?

P- away

Br- away where

P- upstairs

Br- everything okay?

P- yes, everything's okay

She went upstairs and closed the door

Br- should i check on her?

Liv- give her a minute

*upstairs with pierson*

Piersons pov

I feel horrible. What happens if we just made sofie upset. But at the same time they were right but i dont want to make her feel bad because i understand how hard it is to let people back into your life and trust me its not the most pleasant thing in the world. I should call her

Pierson called sofie and she answered

P- hi sofie im just calling to make sure your okay

S- no i am

She sniffed

P- are you crying?

S- no

P- yes you are, your eyes are all red and poofy

S- okay i was but dont tell anybody it makes me come off as weak

P- okay i wont but did me and andrew do anything?

S- no pierson stop worrying

P- okay but make sure your alright if you need to talk I'm more then happy to

S- okay thanks Pierson and I won't be coming to amp for a week im visiting my mom

P- are you really visiting your mom or are you just trying to avoid dom

S- both but to be fair I am actually going to see her

P- oh okay I hope you have fun

S- I will and tell the others

P- I will

S- alright I'm going to get ready for bed

P- already? It's 7:00

S- when the blues hit all you wanna do is sleep

P- I guess so, bye sofie

S- bye pierson

They hung up and pierson put on her bathing suit then went back downstairs

Br- omg did a snack just walk down the stairs? Because I wanna pice of that

He licked his lips

P- oh hush I'm just gonna swim for a bit and by the way sofie isn't gonna be here for the week

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