Did i kiss Eva?

142 4 12

Brent was listening to some music when he saw Eva. He just ignored her hoping she wouldn't notice him

Brent was playing with pierson hair until Eva walked up

Eva- aww look at your baby

Br- Eva stop she's sleeping

Eva- I don't care

Br- I never expected you to

Eva- completely off topic but your wife is hot

Br- I know it doesn't take a genius to figure that out

Eva- I know, her lips are to die for

Br- okay don't you have a boyfriend?

Eva- that you guys put in jail? Yeah

Br- sorry about that. And I know her lips to die for

Eva- mhm and her body

Br- Eva why do you keep track of this stuff? And I'm not sapoused to talk to you

Eva- I'm keeping track of it because your wife kissed me

Br- Eva no she didn't

Eva- I have proof

Br- let's see it then

Eva showed him the video

Br- pierson dosent like girls especially if that girl is you

Eva- how do you know that? She's the one who initiated the kiss

Br- shes never told me anything about that and plus your our enemy your trying to confuse me

Eva- how? You saw the video

Brent looked at pierson

Br- she wouldn't scoop that low. And besides she hates you

Eva- that's not what the video saysssss

Pierson started to wake up

P- bre- Eva?

Eva- hello

Pierson stood up in a rush

P- um Eva

Br- did you kiss Eva?

P- well i- uh

Br- so you kissed her?

Eva- told ya

P- wait but I don't like her Like at all

Br- but you kissed her

P- did I?

Br- well from what I'm seeing you did

Eva- well im just here to pick someone up so I'll just be on my way. But pierson your a good kisser

Eva left. Pierson just froze and looked at brent

P- I'm sorry

Br- it-

P- I don't like her at all

Br- I know it's okay pierson

P- why are you so calm about this

Br- because I know that you didn't kiss her for pleasure

P- I don't even know if I kissed her or not

Br- it's okay pierson I'm not upset you don't have to pretend you didn't

Pierson sighed. Then she got a call from lexi r and she picked it up


P- hello?


Baby just say yesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz