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Brent put on his pj's and went to the girls room to see lexi r

Knock knock

Br- can I come in?

Lr- sure

Brent went in

Lr- what's up?

Br- hold on where are you going?

Lr- I told you me and andrew are going to the club

Br- oh okay but I think piersons cheating

Lr- oh okay how about you sit down

Brent took a seat on their bed

Lr- be careful not to wake them up. Why do you think shes cheating?

Br- because she always leaves around 11 and she never tells me where she's going and or when she will come back. Then when she leaves she wears the shortest stuff she can find In her closet. Like literally she wore the shortest skirt I've evened seen and don't even talk to me about the top

Lr- maybe she just wants to look good while she's out

Br- lexi are you not listening? Why would she ever do a full face of makeup just to go in a walk?

Lr- I'm sure she's not cheating on you brent. You guys have come to far for that

Br- I've seen reddit story's when they are high-school sweet hearts but they still end up cheating

Andrew came in and spun lexi around

A- you look gorgeous if I do say so myself

Lr- thanks

A- whats up brent? Why do you look so miserable?

Lr- he thinks pierson is cheating on him

A- that's crazyyyyy but I dont think pierson would cheat on you

Br- oh yes she would, she did it before so why wouldn't she do it again????
But this time it would be on purpose

Lr- bre-

A- actually idk I feel like he's on to something

Br- exactly your own boyfriend is telling you that

Lr&A- were not dating!!

Br- mhm okay, watch me call her

He called her and she picked up

Br- hi pierson are you having a good time?

P- y-yeah I guess you can say that.... s-stop

Br- are you talking to me?

P- yes, no! I mean no wait but nvm yes. I got to go

She hung up

Br- how much do you guys wanna bet that the only reason she's having a good time is because she is on someone else's dick?

Lr- aww brent

Lexi hugged him

Br- get off me

He brushed her off

Br- make sure you guys are home before 4 in the morning

A- okay got it

got up and left

Lr- what if pierson is actually cheating?

Andrew hugged lexi

A- it'll be Allright I promise

Landrew left. In brents room

Brent's pov

If shes actually cheating on me the rage will be unreal. I just hope she's not because I love her too much to let her go. I'll just sleep it off

Brent went to sleep

*in the morning*

Everyone was downstairs and brent came down looking exhausted

N- are you okay Brent?

Br- mhm

He said in a sad tone like he was holding in tears

They all stood up and hugged him

He started sobbing

J- you can tell us whats on your mind, we wont judge you

Br- its p-pierson

Liv- what happend

Br- i- i- i th-

N- brent listen to me you have to breath

Br- I i-im trying

Ju- guys I think we need to sit him down and let him cool off for a bit

They brought him to the living so he could calm down a bit. They all sat around him

N- okay now that your calm let's try this again. What happened?

He took a deep breath in

Br- okay so I think pierson is cheating on me

Lh- pierson!?!?!?

Br- yes

Ju- what makes you believe that?

Br- shes done it once before so it would be so easy for her to do it again

Liv- yeah but you forgave her

Br- I know but apart of me believes that she injoyd being with that guy and now that I'm pretty sure she's cheating on me I feel like I don't do enough for her

J- well what makes you say that in the first place?

Br- *he explained to them* and on top of that she didn't even call or send a text that she wasn't coming home last night.

N- true Pierson's not even here

Br- but the only question is who?

Liv- who what?

Br- who's she cheating on me with? Is it ryan or the guy we met at the store

J- God knows who but what are you going to do if she is cheating

Br- cry

J- that's it? Cry?

Br- what do you want me to do? I lost the love of my life to whoever she's out there fucking

Liv- have you tried calling her?

Br- obviously

Liv- let me try

Liv tried calling Pierson but she didn't answer

Br- see? She's probably too busy riding another man's dick

Ju- so are we going to talk to pierson?

Everyone- no!

Ju- mm okay

Br- and where is Andrew and lexi?

Lh- didn't they go to a club?

Br- yeah and I said to be back before 4 in the morning

They they all tried calling them but they wouldn't pick up

Liv- we will just call them later im sure they are safe

Br- do you guys think that im a good husband?

Liv- duuuhhhh or else I would have not let pierson marry you

Br- so then why did she cheat on me? Like I feel like there was a lost of communication here. The worst part is I love her still even though I'm more then pissed with her.

J- maybe we should re-think not talking to pierson and get her side of the story

Br- it's not going to work because she feels "uncomfortable" talking about stuff like that

N- well maybe it's time for her to grow up

Pierson opened the door

P- hi guys


teddylovebuddy2010 Now will you forgive me for posting late🥲


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