wedding planing fail

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The next day..

Pierson woke up to find brent not by her side

P- brent where are you

There was no response

Pierson went downstairs because she could have find for anywhere else in the house

P- brent where are yo-

Br- right here love

He said as he was putting breakfast on the table

(Basically it was a work space and breakfast)

P- omg wow whats this for

As she went to go sit down

Br- i relised that yesterday it wasn't nice of me to be so selfish and tell you not to worry about the wedding even tho its our wedding

He said well pulling out the chair for pierson

*she sat down*

P- aww i love you

Br- i love you more

They kiss

Br- okay so where do you wanna get married?

P- maybe somewhere tropical?

Br- i like that

P- okay what about....

P&br- the Maldives

Br- wtat can i say

Br&p- great minds think alike

Br&p- jinx

P&br- jinx again

Br- jinx haha i win

P- whatever

Br-- okay should we each get a private jet?

P- sure one for the girls and me and one for you and the boys

Br- sounds good to me

P- the only downside is that i jave to be apary from you the hole day

Br- yeahhh but you have the girls to cheer you up

P- i guess so jut next is the cake

Br- okay so you like yellow right?

P- mhm love it

Br- okay so i like blue

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