"lexi stop your shit"

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With lexi and Pierson in the bathroom

Lr- are you okay?

P- yeah im fine I just wasn't expecting to be asked that question

Lr- yeah no I totally get it

P- I just wanna stay in here for a bit if that's okay

Lr- yeah it's fine. If I leave and tell brent that your staying in here for a bit can I trust that you won't do anything

P- I won't lexi

Lr- promise?

P- promise

Lr- okay ill be back

P- I'll be waiting

Lexi left and went to the living room

A- ben is a straight up bozo like deadass

Br- what happened with you guys while we were gone cuz I heard you guys had a arguement

Andrew told him

Br- so you guys were the ones who broke it

A- he pushed me into it istg

Br- you do relize how bad that's going to fuck her up though right

A- I know and I feel really bad about it

Lr- brent piersons staying in the bathroom for a bit she just needs some time

Br- are you going to stay with her?

Lr- no

Br- lexi go stay with her or I will

Lr- she hasn't been by herself in 2 days the least we can do it let her stay by herself for 5 minutes. After all the list says she can be by herself for 10 minutes max

Br- lexi

Lr- brent

Br- lexi I know bu-

Lr- if you want what's best for her you need to let her atleast be with herself

Br- okay but only for 5 minutes

Lr- alr

She took a seat next to andrew

N- what happened to pierson?

Lr- Dom's question just threw her off a bit and she wants some time to re- group herself

S- then why can she only be by herself for 5 minutes

Lr- it's something personal

S- oh okay.

They kept talking

Piersons pov

To be honest I don't like the fact that I actually enjoyd my time with Lilly. Although she gets paid to talk to me I still somehow injoy it. But the time I have alone in this bathroom is worth millions of dollars to me

Back with the squad

Brent's phone rang and he anwserd

Br- hi mom

Lu- hello I need you and lexi home asap

Br- why what happened?!?

Lu- a doctors note came in for pierson

Br- did you read it yet?

Lu- no, I'm Just too nervous

Br- okay were coming

Lu- and don't bring pierson I wanna make sure this is good news before she finds out

Br- but then who's going to stay with her?

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