meet up at amp

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Its the next day

Brent's pov

I can't believe pierson thinks I like liv we are over and I truly love pierson. It's just that I have never talked to liv in a while. I am just gonna invite everyone over to amp.

On call with Liv

Br- hey Liv

Liv- hey brent wassup

Br- I was wondering if you would like to come over to amp to hang with the squad for a bit

Liv- umm sure I'm down

Br- ok her is the address *****

Liv- ok be there in five

They hang up

Amp gc

Br- hey guys wanna come over to amp house

J- I'm down

A- me two

D- sure

Lr- me to

Lh- okay I'm down

B- sure why not

Br- pierson what about you?

Lr- I'll talk to her privately for you brent

Br- ok thank you

A- what happend with them

Lr- brent can exsplain

Br- shdgegehsiuddvrv

Lexi and pierson chat

Lr- hi pierson

P- hey lexi

Lr- wanna hang at amp

P- ummm sure will brent be there

Lr- yeah in fact the hole squad will be there

P- oh ok ill be there bye

Lr- byeee

Off chat with pierson and lexi and back to the gc

Lr- she said she is coming

Br- ok thanks

J- why did she not answer in the gc

Lh- idk

Br- ok well someone's here you guys hurry and come

Off chat and at the amp house

Brent goes to get the door

Br- oh hey liv come in

Liv- thanks Brent

Br- np want something to drink

Liv- uhhh sure what you got

Br- orange juice, apple juice, cranberry juice, and fruit punch and ofc water

Liv- I'll take fruit punch

Br- ok go sit and make yourself comfortable

Liv goes and sits on the couch and brent brings her drink to her and sat next to her. Than they just watched tiktok

Ding dong

Br- I'll get it

Lr- we are here

Ben the lexi's jeremy dom and Andrew all come in.

Br- guys meet Liv

All- hi liv

Liv- heyy guys lexi I forgot to mention you have grown up so much since the last time I saw you

Lr- well we are not it middle school are we now

B- dang do you guys have some beef

Lr- idk

Br- ok anyways you guys hang tight till pierson gets here

Brent goes and sits by Liv and they continue to watch tiktok

Ding dong

B- I'll get it

Ben opens the door

B- hey pierson

P- hey

She walks in and her eyes go straight to brent and Liv

Pierson's pov

Why are they cuddling he said that they  don't like eachother I can't believe it after me stressing that I was to mean to him he does this. Maybe I'm just thinking to deep about this.

Everybody- hi pierson

P- hey...

The lexis went and hugged pierson. Then brent got up and tried to hug her but she refused

Br- you ok pierson?

P- brent can I talk to you again

Br- to yell at me again

P- no just can we please talk

Br- fine

They go upstairs in brents room and sit on his bed

P- brent you know I love you right

Br- yeah and I love you

P- so then why are you acting strange

Br- how?

P- brent first you say you love me

Br- cause I do

P- then you put your hand on my thigh

Br- because I like to touch you

P- then you give your ex girlfriend your number

Br- because we dated a long time ago
And I think we could be friends

P- yeah but is that what she thinks and then on top of that you guys are "cuddling" on the couch

Br- I'm sorry if it looked like that but the truth is that we where just looking at tiktoks

P- but brent do you see how this affects me because I do love you the only reason we are on the break is because I want to know you more and so I can find out what your love language is

Br- I think you know my love language

P- yeah I figured it out physical attention

Br- yeah

P- so can you please stop making it seem like you like both of us

Br- yeah because I only love you

P- *smiles and blushes*

Br- still works

Brent holds her face and kisses her

Br- what about you say besties with benefits

P- sure just not all the benefits

Br- deal partner

P- nice doing business with you mate

They shake hands then kiss and go downstairs



Anyways bye luvis I'm gonna play evade now lmao

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