so much stuff

297 5 2

With dom on his date

D- hello

S- hii

D- where would you like to go

S- lets go to a sit down restaurant

D- ok sure
( i am not making this into a dofie book this is just so i can make the vilins come in)

They go to a sit down restaurant and sit down and order there food

D- so where in California do you live?

S- in huningtin Beach you?
(If thats how you spell it💀)

💭= in mind

D- 💭 is that Alex and alan. I dont think brent and pierson where lying. I have to warn them but i just can't leave her here. I'll ask her to come to the hotel with me hopefully she dosent think im tryna do stuff 💭

S- dom i asked you something

D- yeah yeah umm this might be akward but can you come to my hotel with me

S- i dont go home with guys on the first date im sorry

D- no not like that its just that someone's here and i have to warn my friends

S- ok sure can we finish the date after

D- sure and i have a couple of friends i think you will like

They go back to the hotel

D- jeremy im back

J- oh who is this

D- i think you know

J- in that case hi shofie

S- oh hello ...

J- jeremy

S- well hello

D- ok we need to get everybody in here because have something to tell everyone


D- NO we just started dating

J- want me to get brierson to

D- yup

Jeremy got everybody

D- ok guys i saw the twins they looked like they where trying to look for something

Lh- i guess brent was right

Lr- brent pierson sorry that we ignored you guys

P- now your talking to us
(Rolls eyes)

🗨 =whispers
Br- 🗨 hey watch your attitude🗨

P- i guess its fine

Br- dom who is she

D- she is my date

J- in other words the girl he will not shut up about

S- *blushes*

Br&p- SIMP

D- i dont think its safe for us to be here we should head home

A- what about your girl

D- I'll book her a ticket

B- that sounds fine to me in the morning we will pack then leave in the mean time goodnight everyone

Everybody leaves and goes to there room

S- can i sleep here with you

D- sure

In brent and pierson room

P- you know i really thought you where gonna wife me up

Br- well your gonna have to beg for it ;)

P- ugh *eye rool*

Pierson went into the bathroom to brush her teeth than brent came in and went behind her and put his hands on her waist

P- what do you want

Br- im sorry

P- yeah I've heard that multiple times

Br- I'll make it up to you

P- oh realyy
*she said spitting water out her mouth*

Br- yup

Brent picked her up and threw her on there bed and pined her hands above her head

P- i guess i forgive you

Im not gonna say what happends next

In the lexi's room

Lh- so what now

Lr- idk i kinda miss pierson

Lh- yeah me to i kinda feel bad

Lr- yeah we where being so mean to her

Lh-yeah well lets go get her so she can sleep in here with us

Lr- what happends if she dosent want to sleep in here

Lh- its the last night ofc she will

Lr- i guess so lets go

They go to brents room

Lr- brent open up

He didnt anwser

Lh- i have a spear key

They open the door

Lr- oh my gawwd

Lh- Good job pierson it was about time

Br&p- GET OUT!!

Lexi rivera pulled lexi back to there room

Lh- i can't believe it pierson finally got it


Lh- whatever lets just go to sleep we have a long day tomorrow

In Andrew and bens room

A- ben i know ts night but i have something to tell you

B- whats going on

A- well um i have a crush on lexi and i know its wierd because she is your ex girlfriend

B- its fine we aren't dating anymore

A- really

B- yeah its cool
*its not*

A- ok well thank you

They go to sleep and the same for dom shofie and jeremy idk for brierson

Umm there is a lot going on in this part but yeah. I couldn't sleep so ibe been up since 2:30 and its curently 5:50 so umm yeah. And i habe no clue how to spell shofies name think that how you spell it. Anyways Bye luvvis

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