Neglect your sister 😕

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Br- what did you want to talk to her about that was sooo important that you had to interrupt our cuddling time?

An- well actually I was thinking about her last night

Pierson giggled a bit

P- what the fuck am I in your brain for?

An- I was worried about you

P- umm okay? Why?

An- because of all the stuff that's been happening

P- you do realize that your 2 years late right? Like this stuff has always been happening its nothing new

An- just because it's nothing new dosent mean it's nothing serious

P- Angela I don't need you to worry about me okay? I already have enough people doing that

An- im not trying to worry about you but I have a feeling you need to talk to someone

P- I've had a therapist before and it didn't work. The only thing that happened was her trying to get with brent

An- pierson im dating your dad so that won't happen

P- that makes it even worse. Your dating my dad

Pierson stood up

P- I'm going downstaris

She left

Br- I don't think she likes the idea

An- really? I couldn't tell

B0rent and Angela kept talking about pierson for a bit

Downstairs with pierson and jeremy

P- jeremy why did you let Angela come in?

J- isn't she your mom?

P- mm partly

The door opend and it was lexi and andrew. Pierson ran up and hugged both of them

Lexis eyes were red

P- omg not to bombard you guys with questions but what happened?!?!

A- well it's a long story

J- is she pregnant or not??

A- well we don't really know yet

P- why dosent she take a pregnancy test?

A- she doesn't want to do it that way

Brent and Angela game downstairs

An- pierson me and brent want to talk to you

P- it can wait we have a bigger problem

Br- whats the bigger problem?

P- well I dont-

Lr- it's nothing!!

Br- then why are your eyes so red

Lr- it's nothing

Br- you keep saying that

Pierson pulled lexi away

P- lexi I feel like you need to tell him

Lr- no hes going to be so mad

P- well it's better for him to be mad and know about it then for him to not know anything and not be able to help

Lr- I know but im  scared

P- I know you are but trust me not telling him will only make this worse

Lr- fine but if I tell him you better help and back me up

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