Hope i dont regret it

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P- please, don't waste your time on someone who dosent want to make an effort to be here anymore. I bet that theres other women out there that would love you as much as i do

Br- a-are you saying that you want to kill yourself?

Pierson nodded

Brent's heart plumeted, he wanted to cry his eyes out but i dont blame him. His wife want to die.

Brent's pov

This can't be happening she can't want to kill herself she's my only light and joy in my life. We planned on having a family together and living in a big house. Is it because of me? Do i not make her feel loved enough? Am i the reason she's going through this? I didn't even notice that she wanted to end it all until she told me. She went through this all by herself.

brent went pale

Br- i-is it because i did anything?

P- no, you made being here a lot better than it originally was

Br- so then why do you want to leave?

P- picture life and death as a door. On one side of the door its all your problems all the things that bring you down, then on the otherside of the door is pace and quite and you can relax wich one would you pick?

Br- peace and quite

P- exactly, thats what i want. I dont want to have to worry about if twan is coming for me or if my dad dosent love me

Br- but can i say something

P- mhm

Br- but on the side of the door that the struggle is on you have all your friends and people that care about you and even your husband i love you but if you were to walk through that door then you leave all of us. And thats another struggle we have

P- but you guys will get over it. But no matter how hard i try I can't get over it.

Br- pierson i would never get over your death and ill bet that on my life

P- that dosent make me feel any better

Br- well what can? Im sorry i just don't know how to deal with this

P- its okay, but nothing will make me feel better but its fine brent calm down

She smiled. I guess the feeling of knowing she could be gone in monthts days or minutes made her happy

Br- why are you smiling this isn't something to be happy about

P- for me it is. It kinda makes me sad but knowing that ill stop putting you guys in danger puts it all at ease

Brent started crying

Br- i love you yk, please dont leave me my love

P- i love you too but i said what i said

Br- pierson....

P- no, your not going to tell me anything

Br- but what about i get lexi to help you

P- NO, they cant know....

Br- why not pierson please this is a big deal, we might not have you in the next couple months

P- i know but i dont want them to worry about me


P- i ask myself that everyday, what the hell is wrong with me? And i have a feeling that i will never know and im fine with that

Br- pierson i didnt mean it like that, im just scared and nervous i wanna help you but idk how

P- you cant brent leave it alone please

Brent hugged her

P- fine ill take a week to re-think this but get off of me please

Brent got off

P- stop crying

Pierson took her shirt and wiped his tears

P- call this challenge quits

Br- mhm right away

Brent went downstairs

Lh- why are your eyes all red?

Br- long story, but me and pierson are stopping the challenge

A- lol yall couldn't even last a day

Br- no andrew this is serious, dont joke about it please

A- sorry

Lr- hold on its night and the boys are not back yet

Liv- true should we call them?

S- okay ill call

Sofie called brent went upstairs

S- brent were talking about this tmr okay?

Br- mhm

He left

S- strange they are not picking up

Lh- do we atleast know were they are?

S- no they didnt tell us

Liv- well lets wait for them to either call back and if they dont i dont think that we should worry about them

Lr- true they are men so they are strong. They can stand up for themselves

Liv- okay but what happend to pierson

Lh- idk im worried though because it looks like brent was crying

S- do you think shes pregnant?

A- no, they haven't done anything for that to happen

Lr- yk they still have their house right?

Lh- okay and?

Lr- they could have done it there then came back and acted as if nothing happend

Lh- oh i guess that does make sence

A- blah blah blah let's get off this topic now its kinda weird

Lr- all im saying is that i might be an aunt

Upstairs with brierson

Br- you promise that you wont do that?

P- im not promiseing anything but as i said ill make sure to take some time to think about all this

There was some silence

Br- do you want to cuddle?

Pierson nodded

P- yes

They both changed into pj's and cuddled

P- ill always love you know

She kissed his head

P- im sorry for causing you this stress

Br- you didn't cause any dont worry my love

P- but i made you worry about me and i dont want you to be worried

Br- baby its okay. All i did more was love you ok? I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Mybe being worried about you just means that I love you

He kissed her


Sorry it took so long to post🥲

Words: 1024

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