didn't notice pt2

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They got everybody Toca bell and went back home. They all sat around the table and started to eat

P- guys me and brent have something to say to you all

Lr- is it something bad?

Br- it depends how bad you wanted it

Pd- does it have something to do with the baby?

P- something like that

N- okay well hurry up and spill

P-  I'm not pregnant

Pd- your joking right?

Br- no she's not, we never tried for a child anyways

Lr- AWWWW I really wanted to be a auntie!

Br- were sorry lexi

Pierson's dad was staring at her

Pd- pierson can I have a talk with you?

Kd- hunny don't give her a hard time please

Pd- I won't

P- sure, I dont really have a choice anyways

Pierson and her dad walked off

L- it's now my time to shine as the new favorite child

All- not the time logan

With pierson and her dad

Pd- what the fuck was that? Huh?

P- what the fuck was what?

Pd- your always so stupid, obviously I gave you some simple instructions and you and your "hubby" can't even follow that

Pierson stopped making eye contact

Pd- look at me when I'm talking to you

She didn't. He grabbed her arms and shook her


Pd- you don't get the right to yell at me, remember your place

P- I'm sorry but seriously your hurting me

Pd- yeah yeah stop the shit

P- have you ever even put into consideration that me and brent just wanted to spend our time with eachother peacefully and not have to worry about a child?

Pd- have you ever put in consideration that it's a tradition that you just ruined because of your selfishness

P- first of all I'm not selfish, and let go of my fucking arms

Pd- why? Are you gonna run away? Run from all your problems?

P- no, your hurting me

Pd- yeah mhm ok

P- I don't want a child right now and that's final

Pierson's dad slapped her across her face. Then she started crying

Pd- you do what I tell you


Pd- I'm done, I'm not gonna keep fighting with a bitch, all I know is that if you wanna come back around me you better tell brent that you want a child right now

P- remember that I'm your fucking daughter

Pierson's dad pushed her on the floor and went back to the group. Pierson ran upstairs and locked the door

With the group

Br- where's pierson?

Pd- I don't know but if she's smart enough She will be talking to you about something shortly

Br- please tell me you didn't hurt her

Pd- me? Ofc not after all she is my own daughter

Lh- Tommrow will be my last day since I leave at 4:00 am in the morning

Liv- what a pain

S- sucks to suck

Kd- yeah same with us

A- I guess the rest of the group just has a 20-25 minute drive

They all went upstairs to their rooms but brent couldn't he tried to open the door but it was locked

Br- open up pierson

P- NO, NOW LEAVE ME ALONE *she started sobbing*

Br- was it your dad? I'm sorry or did I do anything wrong? If I did I'm also very sorry for that too

He didn't hear a response. He just heard the bathroom door close

Br- pierson please don't be sad, the only thing your doing is making me sad too

P- don't try that shit with me, YOU DON'T FUCKING CARE

Br- pierson I can only assume what happened with you and your dad but I promise I care and to prove it I'll sleep out here infront of your door all night

P- mhm

Brent got spare blankets and pillows and put them on the floor and laid down

Br- I love you

It was silent

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