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They arived at amp then put their groceries away then they all sat in the living room waiting for Pierson to explain

P- you guys know twan right?

Lr- duuh

Lh- yeah

P- you guys seriously had to get lexi h on phone

Br- sorry.. i tried to stop them

B- she needs to know her bestfriends a cheater

P- lexi do you believe them?

Lh- partly no but its 7 against 2 so im kinda convinced but i dont fully believe them

Br- pierson i wss there so i believe you

P- okay but he literally threatened to kidnapp me again so i had to

J- mhm

A- surrreee

Lh- stfu guys like istg honestly why would she be lying about that? Brent said he was with her so if brent dosent want a divorce it clearly means she did nothing wrong

Br- exactly at least one of you guys have common sence

Lh- now don't call my phone again unless it's something serious

She hung up

P- do you guys now believe me?

All- yes

Lr- sorry Pierson we should have known that you wouldn't be with a man like him

P- its fine

S- dance party to make it up?

P- no i kinda just wanna go home

Liv- i hope we didnt hurt your feelings to much

P- no its whatever brent lets go

Br- okay

Pierson went in the car

Br- you guys are so mean i can't believe you guys thought she would cheat on me with him

He left with her

*At brent and Pierson's house*

Br- are you okay Pierson?

P- no im fine

Br- really cus you seem kinda upset

P- can we just get ready for bed?

Br- okay but just incase if you need to tell me something im more than happy to listen

P- mhm

They got ready and cuddled in bed.

P- i hope your not mad at me for kissing him

Br- what? Why would i be mad at you?

P- because i kissed twan

Br- you had to. I have no idea how it feels to be kidnapped and experience all the stuff you have and if you feel like you had to because of your safety then thats totally okay i would never get mad at you for protecting yourself and if i ever do you have the ok to slap me in the face

P- thank you

Br- ofc ml

P- do you actually love me?

Br- wdym?

P- i feel like your just saying you do because were married

Br- what no i swear on my life that i love you. I dont even say that to lexi

P- Im just kidding ik you love me but you need to start doing that shes your

Br- ehhh nahh shes fine

P- no your gonna start being nicer to her

Br- no

P- only for a day

Br- and what if i dont?

P- then you lose me

Br- bruh

P- so im your bruh now? Okay

Br- no i didnt mean it like that

P- im not your bruh im your wife that prefers the name princess

Br- okay im sorry princess for calling you bruh

P- its okay baby, goodnight

Br- goodnight

They went to sleep

In the morning. They woke up and pack some stuff and went to amp

Baby just say yesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon