lexi's sadness

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P- oh umm it's okay, can i get detail?

Lr- i heard andrews phone blow up and he was in the shower so i checked who it was and it was a girl that i didn't know so i opened the text and the girl was saying that they were going to meet up today and they were going to head back to her house and do god knows what. Then he came out the shower and i asked him were he was going and he siad that he was going to his moms for easter. But like im not dumb i knew he was going to the girl so i asked him about it and he started saying that i was a bad person because i went in his personal space

P- your not a bad person lexi you were just looking out for him but then he had to ruin it

Lr- whats wrong with me??

Lexi laid her head down on Pierson's lap while Pierson ran her fingers through her hair

P- nothings wrong with you lexi i promise

Lr- then how come andrew dosent like me? I tried my best to be a better version of myself for him

P- he still does like you lexi it's ju-

Lr- he was going to some other girls house to hook up with her and you think he still likes me?

P- there still could be hope

Lr- if brent went behind your back and hooked up with a girl other then you do you think that he still loves you?

P- well in that case no

Lr- exactly i dont understand how you go through so much stuff and you can manage to stay calm and not rip out all the hair out your head

P- you think i stay calm?

Lr- mhm

P- nu uh thats not what happens at all. The stuff ive been through is way to much to just brush it off but rn is not about me, its about you

Lr- well i like listening to you, it's somewhat calming

P- really? What do you want me to talk about?

Lr- you and brent

P- me and brent?

Lr- yeah, your my comfort couple

P- what in the world is that?

Lr- you don't know what a comfort couple is?

P- no not really

Lr- it's a couple that you look up too and that never fails to make you hapy

P- me and brent together makes you happy?

Lr- duhhhh i didn't do all that shipping for nothing, poor me so delusional i really did think that me and andrew would end up like you guys

P- who said that it's to late for that?

Lr- i dont anybody to tell me that, i already know that if we were to start over again it wouldn't be the same

P- why do you think that?

Lr- because if we were to get back together i would have a fear of him cheating on me again

P- hold up you guys were together

Lr- yeah secretly, we wanted to make sure that we were ready but clearly he's not

P- do you think that you guys were on the same page?

Lr- well clearly we weren't. Its like we lost communication half way or something i dought that, that happends to you and brent

P- trust me it does

Lr- really?

P- yeah all couples miss communicate sometimes its normal at the end of the day me and brent are two different people completly. That's one thing that people forget

Lr- how do you know that brent loves you? Like even when he doesn't say it

P- umm hes very affectionate like he constantly wants to be with me and give me hugs and kisses yk the normal stuff, and nothings wrong with that but he's not like that with other people hes not even like that to you and that alone tells me that hes obsessed with me

Lr- Do you think andrew ever felt that way towards me?

P- yeah all the time

Lr- then i don't get why he had to go to her

P- well he did say that he likes low valued things

Lr- i guess i was just too expensive for him to handle

They both laughed

Lr- what does brent do that makes you love him?

P- he helps, that to me is the most important thing i could as for. Like he doesn't just help me physically but mentally too. Sometimes things are just messed up in my head and by him just being there and talking to me will help. what about you?

Lr- i like when they show interest in what i like

P- mhm i like that too

Logan texted pierson saying that they can come over in 20

P- we have to get going in 20 so ask your last questions

Lr- oh okay do you and brent call eachother pet names?

P- when because im not going to expose myself

Lr- idk just on the regular

P- yeah we do

Lr- aww

P- i hear him coming so how about i call him one and the you can se his reaction

Lr- okay!

Lexi sat up

*knock knock*

Lr- come in

Brent came in

Br- you okay lexi

Lr- kinda but for the most part yeah

Br- good, so i guess you wont mind if i hit him with a hammer?

Lr- what happened to the broom

P- hold on, now why you do that baby boy hmm

Br- because h- what did you just call me?

P- you heard me

Br- oh um

P- and didn't i tell you to not get invloved when it comes to that unless they ask you too?

Br- yeah

P- so you dont listen now? Thats what were doing?

Br- no

P- so how come your getting involved?

Brent shruged his shoulders

Br- i dont know

P- come here

Pierson stood up and brent walked up to her

P- just because shes your sister dosent mean that you have to interfere with her relationship got it? And look at me when im talking to you

She made him look at her

Br- mhm

P- words?

Br- yes

P- now go be a good boy for me and go get ready to leave

Br- yes ma'am

He left

P- make sure to take notes

Lr- trust me i was, you should do that more offten

P- you think?

Lr- yep

P- okay I'll think about it but i have to get going now, you can stay in here while im gone just make sure to not touch anything

Lr- girl trust me im not trying to scar myself while im un here

P- good choice bye

Lr- bye


Sorry this chapter came a bit late

Words: 1147

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