Brent's punishment

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Pierson got ready and went into the living room and saw everyone there surrounding brent on the floor

P- hold on what's going on?

La- don't worry about it hunny

P- but he's on the floor...

La- like I said don't worry about it

Pierson went over to lexi r and whispered to her

P- what the hell is happening?!?!

Lr- our mom Is trying to make him feel embarrassed as punishment for what he did. So he's on hands and knees cleaning

P- that's so wrong

Lr- I kinda feel bad

Ja- you missed a spot

Br- ma don't you think this is a bit far? You have me like a dog cleaning up a floor thats not even dirty infront of my friends, sister and wife

La- you should of thought of that before you decided to act stupid

Br- ma, th-

La- hush your mouth you have 30 minutes left

Br- oh my goodness

He went back to cleaning

La- don't give me attitude when you put this on yourself

P- exuse me laura but don't you think your going a tad bit too far? Like Just a tad?

Br- pierson..

P- no im just asking a question

Ja- well originally I would think "Yeah it's pretty messed up" but after what he did I could care less

P- yeah but this whole thing is really unnecessary. Like putting him on the floor? Really? I thought you were better than that but I guess I thought wrong

La- oh well im sorry pierson would you like to come be the mother of My son?

P- well no b-

La- then that's it you don't have to say anything else. How about you guys go do something else he will be done in 30

They all walked away to outside

P- this is so wrong I feel so bad

Lr- me too

Lh- not me

P- your kidding

Lh- no, I literally don't care

P- out of everyone I'd expect you to have my back

Lh- not when your husband is being a dick

P- alright I think he acknowledged that

Lh- how do you know that?

P- because he's told me that he feels bad and he wants to apologize and it doesn't help when you guys talk bad about him

Lh- he doesn't hear that

P- yes he does!

Lexi h rolled her eyes

P- honestly it makes me sick knowing that you guys could just watch him do that and not say anything about it

N- what's there to say? I've only met that woman once in my life

P- okay that doesn't mean that you couldn't say something

Pierson waited till Laura went away then snook in to talk to brent

P- baby im really sorry

Br- don't apologize

P- you can stand up now

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