begging for her back

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P-do you guys hear that

Lr- uuh no what do you mean

Lh- yeah i dont hear anything

P- no i hear something

Pierson gets up and opens the door

Lr- wai-

P- O.M.G

B- uhh hi pierson


Br- uhh pierson can i talk to you


Lexi pushed pierson towards brent. Then everybody left them together

P- what

Br- is it true that your gonna break up with me?

P- im sorry but i feel like i have to

Brent holds Pierson's hands and she looks at them

Br- pierson please I'll do anything

P- i cant i just feel like sh*t in this relationship

Br- it is because of me? I promise I'll change

His is crying at this point

P- no its because i cant give you want you need emocionaly and physically

Br- yes you can pierson you can and what do you mean

P- i think you know what i mean

Br- pierson if i want you all the time that means your great.

P- its not only that brent you wont understand

Br- I'll force myself to understand just please dont leave me. We have have so much good memories

P- i know thats why its hard for me to break up with you

Br- can we please insted of break up just take a break

P- ok fine but before we go on break i love you

Br- i love you to

They makeout one more time

Br- see your good at it

Pierson smiles

They walk out of the room and go  downstairs

Lr- hey guys did you figure everything out

Br- yeah brierson is on break

Lr- pierson i thought you wanted to break up

P- i know but i mean look at him

Br- *blushes*

P- and he begged for us just to be on break

B- did you guys kiss before you guys went on break

Brent and pierson looked at eachother

P- we did more then that *wink*

Lr- oop

Lh- how long do you guys think this break will last for

P- maybe three or more months

Br- 5 max

Lr- i have a feeling they are gonna be together way before that

A- true

D- for real

B- well we where gonna have a sleepover in the first place so do you guys wanna have one

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