flashbacks pt3

168 4 8

Br- I just wanna know how i can make her less scared of me

Lr- well i can maybe suggest thing or two

He wiped his tears away

Br- im listening

Lr- how about no sudden movements?

Br- what will that do?

Lr- well when you go to hit someone you move suddenly so im pretty sure you can lay off that for a bit

Br- okay i can get behind that

Lr- maybe you should try your best to be affectionate from a distance. For example if she is sitting on the couch ask her if she wants a glass of water or before sitting down ask her if you can sit next to her. Basically just always make sure that she knows your next move

Br- surprisingly your giving me some really good tips

Lr- what can i say im just like that

Br- lets not get to over our selves here

Lr- im just saying

She laughed

Lh- Wheres pierson?

Br- she went on a walk OMG speaking of walk what happends if something happends to her!?!?

Brent started freaking out

Lr- it's okay i bet she just needed to calm down for a bit

Br- yeah i guess your right

Lr- but in all seriousness please make sure Pierson's ok

Br- i will dont worry

They hugged

Br- whats that?

Lr- uhhh what's what?

Br- you know what im talking about

He took a glance at her neck. Then made a face

Lr- oh thissssss

She did a nervous laugh

Lr- i burned myself with a curling iron

Br- mhm yeah sure that's not going to work. Pierson always used to use that exuse on her parents. You have a hicky, was it andrew?

Lr- yeah... but please don't get mad!

Br- chill im not but if you dont want people to notice you need to cover it up better

He looked around the room

Br- im pretty sure Pierson has some makeup we can use

He got up and went to the vanity

Br- come sit

Lexi got up and went to sit on the chairm brent started aplying the makeup

Br- so are you together because i think i missed a chapter?

With pierson

She arived at the beach. She was walking until a familiar voice called her

Tw- hey pierson glad you could make it

P- i had no choice you threatened me

Tw- oh yeah sorry about that, wanna come sit with me?

P- can i stand?

Tw- no your gonna sit with me okay?

He went over and sat on a chair

(Its big enough for two)

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