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The girls jaw dropped

P- oh well thats crazy because i liked you too

Lh- that is bamboozling

N- where was this when we where in high school

P- i have no clue

Liv- i think we should get going back to our hotel now

N- oh okay bye guys

P- bye

Back in the hotel. The girls where giving pierson a nasty stare

P- what?

Liv- "I liked you too" are you kidding

P- what I did like him back then. But not anymore

Lh- why didn't you tell him that then

P- mb I'll tell him when I see him again

Piersons phone rang and it was brent

Br- hi baby

P- hi

Lr&lh&liv&s- awww

P- out

The girls left to get changed

Br- are you Busy?

P- no not really me and the girls where going to change but I'll do that later

Br- so do you mind if you tell me about your day?

P- oh I would love to.. wait but you never ask me that

Br- well today's different

P- mm okay

Pierson started blabbing on and on about her day

P- yeah and that's what I told him

Br- mhm

Pierson started to hear grunting

P- I know what your doing brent I wasn't born yesterday but to be fair I miss you too

Br- how did you know..

P- your my fiancé how could I not and if your lucky I could maybe help you on that honeymoon of ours *wink*

S- you done yet?

P- gtg brent I'll call you back tomorrow i love you

Br- I love you too

Pierson hung up the phone

Liv- so why did he call

P- idk can't he just call?

They all got dressed for bed and watched a movie

S- what do you guys think the boys are doing rn?

P- jeremy is probably being anoying

Lh- true

Lr- we should call them

P- okay

Pierson got her laptop and they FaceTimed the boys

A- wassup ladies

Girls- hi Andrew

Br- I like your pjs pierson

P- oh thank you

B- why don't you do a little spin for him

S- yeah do a lil spin Pierson

She got up and did a spin

Br- God damn I picked a good one

Liv- side eye...

They all kept goofing off on call then eventually everyone went to sleep except for brent and Pierson

They started talking. Till lh woke up

Lh- I know you guys are the clingy type but please go to sleep

P- lexi is getting upset so I'll call you in the morning?

Br- yup goodnight love

P- goodnight

They all fell asleep


Okay so I have decided I'm coming out with two books one will be Thoughts in my head and the other one will be a Wednesday fan fic

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