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They all arived at the girls hotel and brought pierson up (Noah came too)

They then put pierson on her bed.(still crying)

N- pierson bestie what happend.

Noah asked brushing her hair with his fingertips

P- lexi's f*cking brother

Lr- what did he say now

Pierson refused to answer so they took that opportunity to change into comfy clothes and they all sat on the bed with pierson and put on SpongeBob

S- now can you tell us what he said?

P- fine, I walked into the bathroom and brent called me and I thought he called to say sorry. But I was wrong, he called to tell me that he basically dosent want to see me and he said he was just using me for my body because he thinks that's what a relationships for

Liv- did your phone save the phone call?

P- idk I didn't look

Lh- want me to look for you?

P- yes

Lh found the voice recording and they all listened to it

N- I don't know who this man is but he sounds so disrespectful

P- he's not, I don't know what I did to make him act like this

Lr- why is he acting like this he adores you and now he's being rude and anoying

Brent called them again, pierson reached for her phone but lexi r grabbed it

Lr- I'll answer this time

Lexi answered

Lr- what do you want

Br- why is it not pierson

Lr- did you even realize that your soon to be wife was on her knees crying because of the hurtful sh*t you said to her? She's been crying all day Brent.

Br- that's not my fault

Lr- do you even love her anymore? Like honestly what's your problem?

Br- if anything I should be the one that's upset. Because she'd be no one without me. She would still be living with her parents.

Lr- well bad stuff still happened to her when shes in your embrace. Pierson close your ears

Pierson did what she was told

Lr- you let her get taken by her ex that raped her 2 times

Br- and who said im not happy about that? Huh?

Lr- ok no im not gonna let you talk about pierson like that so goodbye

She hung up

N- pierson you can un cover your ears

P- I heard what he said, I think it's time for you to go Noah in the least disrespect possible

N- mhm I understand

He hugged pierson and the rest of the girls followed him to the door

N- besties is she still going to get married on Monday?

Lr- if my man acted like that I'd say no but knowing pierson she does what her heart tells her to do

N- okay, I'll come by tomorrow to check on her

Noah left and the girl went back to Pierson

P- I don't get it  why dosent he love me anymore? I tried my best to make him happy

S- pierson don't make us all start crying with you

Lh- I hate to say it but brent is a b*tch

P- don't say that about him

Liv- pierson look at how he talks about you. Usally I would try and convince you there's hope but he seams lost

P- maybe your right, I'm going to sleep

They all went to sleep when the girls (not including pierson) wake up to brent calling again

Lr- who's taking this one?

S- I'll do it

Sofie answered

S- what now

Br- is pierson there?

He said in the most calm but yet rushed way possible. like he's choking on his own Addams apple

S- why? Do you all a sudden care about her?

Br- Is pierson there yes or no? Anwser my question

Liv- why? So you can tell how much you dislike her?

Br- I know this seems horrible but just trust me, I don't mean to hurt her

Lh- boy bye you must be joking

Br- I'll explain at the wedding but I have to go

Lr- mhm sure

Brent hung up and they went back to bed

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