Cake testing

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Pierson woke up and was downstairs making breakfast 

Upstairs with brent 

(he just woke up)

Br- oww  head is hurting like crazy, and where's my shirt?

He was goanna stand up but then

Br- where did my pants go 

pierson barged through the door

Br- Ahh pierson 

He was trying to cover up with the blanket

P- calm down, i woke some thing happened to me 

Br- oh

P- i made you breakfast

Br- aww thanks love but do you think i could get dressed before i eat?

P- why would i stop you? go ahead 

Brent went in the shower and pierson went downstairs to watch tv

 Brent came out the shower and went downstairs

P- Brent?

Br- yes?

P- do you think it time for me to move in like.... with you?

Brent went and sat down next to pierson on the couch

Br- Yes obviously we are goanna get married 

P- why didnt we think about that earlier

Br- maybe because you rejected me the last time i asked you if you wanted to

P- oh yeah sorry about that

Br- its fine 

P- what happened if we move in together and it doesn't go as plan

Br- what do you mean

P- like we fight a lot or we you know.... get a divorce?

brent took piersons hand put it on his

Br- look, ill do everything in my power to make sure we work out and if it means sleeping on the couch each night, taking the kids to school so you can stay home then so be it  

P- *smiles*

Br- and i can see that you still have your promise ring on

(pierson was talking in a soft book)

P- yeah never took it off

Br- okay well now we are off that topic ca-

P- hurry we have to go cake testing

they both went in the car and arrived at the cake testing  place 

Br- this place?

P- yeah i love the cake they have here 

Br- oh okay

P- comon lets go

pierson grabbed brents arm and ran into the cake place

Br- you know your like a kid that gets soo excited for treats 

P- oh im sorry 

Br- no its a good thing i love when you act like a child

they where gonna kiss but then a woman came 

ctw= cake tester woman 

Ctw- reservation for brent and pierson 

P- yup that's us 

Ctw- okay follow me 

they followed the woman to a room with five cakes

Ctw- okay take a seat guys 

they took a seat

Ctw- so i have five cakes here and you guys are gonna try em and tell me witch one you like and the how you want it decorated and we will bring it for you on the wedding day.

P- okay sounds good, right brent?

Br- yep

Ctw- okay so the first on is Banana cake with cream cheese frosting

they both tried it

Br- ooh i like this one Like a lot

P- idk i kinda have mixed feelings about it 

Br- okay well we still have 4 more to go

Ctw- okay so the next one is carrot cake with a cream cheese and whipped cream icing  

Br- i like this one its savory and sweet

P- yeah me too

Ctw- okay the next one is carrot and walnut cake with cream cheese frosting

they tried it

P- mmm this is my fav

Br- mine too

Ctw- okay glad were getting somewhere. the last 2 are vanilla and chocolate but idk if you want to try them because they are kinda basic

Br- yeah i think where good

Ctw- okay how would you guys like to decorate the cake

she gave them lots of pictures with different styles 

P- i like this one

Br- me too 

Ctw- okay this one it is then, okay that it 

P- already 

cytw _ yup

the cake tester woman walked them to the door

Ctw- thanks for coming

P- no problem

Br-  thanks for having us 

they left and went to the McDonalds  drive thru they got there orders and went home 

P- finally home sweet brents home

Br- haha today took forever to end

P- ikr 

they finished eating and went in bed 

P- goodnight brenty

Br- night love

they kissed 

brent put his hand on piersons leg

P- can we not tonight?

Br- yeah is everything okay?

P- yeah im just tired maybe tomorrow ok

BR- okay goodnight i love you

P- i love you too


Thats all for now luvies byeeee

Baby just say yesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon