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Dom walked up to them

S- what do you want

(He had flowers and chocolate for yk who)

D- i wanted to say sorry

Brent got up from his chair

Br- i dont thi-

S- no its okay Brent i got this

Br- alright

He sat back down

D- sofie i know i messed up and it was wrong of me to cheat on you but please one more chance?

S- Dom i have given you so much chances and you didn't take them seriously. So im sorry but no

D- what about we do what pierson and brent did

S- and whats that

D- friends with benefits

S- uhh i dont know who you think you are but nice try cheater. NO

D- please please

S- can we go now i dont think he can take no for a anwser

A- sure

They all run to the car with dom chasing after them

*in the car*

P- holy shit that was a close one

Br- young lady, no swearing in my car

P- who you calling "young lady"

Every one but br- yeah who you calling young lady

Br- im sorry but i was talking to my GIRLFRIEND

P- *blushes*

J- you blush so easily

P- oh shut up

Liv- guys this is cute and all but why in the world does dom think he can cheat and get away with it?

A- i honestly dont even know

S- guys stop talking about this

Br- you sure?

S- did i studder?

Br- watch your attitude

S- im not pierson, that freaky stuff dosent work on me

P- i am not freaky but if you say so

S- okay ima change the topic, so liv i heard you got a boyfriend?

Liv- yeah


liv- yeah I've never told you guys?

Lr- clearly not

Liv- so then how did you find out

S- i have ways

Lh- i dont like your ways change them

B- yeah your ways are creepy

A- hold on are we gonna just forget about me and lexi's kiss?

Lr- Andrew get over yourself, it was literally just a peck

P- wow lexi dont be mean

Br- yeah that was no peck

J- aye shut up brent a peck for you and pierson is a full-on make out shesh

P- aye shut up jeremy

A- why did you kiss me then if you were jut gonna brush it off?

Lr- idk you just looked upset


Lr- are you okay?

A- bring me home brent

Br- are you sure?

A- yeah

Brent dropped Andrew and the rest of the squad home
*exsept for pierson*

Pierson and brent where in brents room on his bed

P- brenty

Br- yeah?

P- would you still love me if i was a worm?


Im gonna start to do shoutouts once ina while. Drop your tiktok insta or anything like that and I'll shout you out. But yeah that it for now bye luvvies💗💚❤ (and I might do a face reveal)

Shout out: briersonstories
Tiktok: pierpsn

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