finally you noticed

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Lexi's pov

Brierson was being loud and i was trying to sleep so i went in there room to find brent crying and pierson showing him something. Her sleeves where up. Oh my god pierson dose sh

Lr- are you okay Pierson

She dosent reply she puts ger head down

P- shit *mumbling*

Lexi walks over and sits down with brent. She takes a look at piersons arm

Lr- Baby girl noo did you do this to yourself?

Pierson nodded

Br- why?

Lr- brent let me talk first then you say what you have too.

Br- okay

Lr- pierson i know your going through a hard time and im sorry that i wasn't there to help you through it. Your pretty tough considering what you do. Can you possibly tell me what you use for this?

P- the razor from brents side table

Br- i will be confiscating that and you will be under full surveillance for a while

Lr- brent thats not the way to treat her

Br- well how do i keep her safe then?

Lr- i dont know but maybe ask her why she does this in a not so paniced tone

Br- why do you do this to yourself ml?

P- you know when you have too much thoughts going on at once in your head and you just need something to distract you?

Br- yeah

P- that's what this dose it makes me focus on the pain

Br- im sorry i didnt pick up on this earlier

P- it's whatever.. can we just forget about this and go to sleep

Br- forget no but sleep sure

Lr- well I'll get going then

P- no stay.. please

Lr- okay

Br- but we are talking about this when we go home tommrow because im cutting this trip short because you might need help

P- is that implying that im a freak?

Br- well no but you are very mentally unstable

P- this is just one thing

Br- only one? Pierson you vape

Lr- you vape pierson?

P- thanks a lot brent, how could this night get any worse

She started crying then walked off into lexis room

P- any of you mother fuckers follow me i will kill you!

Lr- you never told me she vapes

Br- it was a secret


Br- ill sleep on the floor you can take the bed

Lr- thanks


she didn't respond

Lr- i dont think shes gonna respond, goodnight

Br- night

Brent's pov

I feel horrible that pierson feels this way. I had no clue that shes strugglng with this but on top of her self harm i just told lexi her secret

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