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They hung out a bit comforting lexi and andrew

P- I'm going to head out. Me and brent have to start packing

Lr- whyyy. Can't you just stay here with us

P- I can't I have to go support brent with his modeling thing

Lh- if I where you I wouldn't go

P- well I have to ill feel bad and plus this is a huge moment for him and besides I get free food

J- ohh your lucky

P- I know I am

She stood up

P- well bye guys ill be back later tonight

She kissed lexi on her forehead and went to get brent

P- Brent lets go we have to start packing

Br- okay

They both went to the car (Pierson is driving)

Br- are you still mad at me?

P- yes

Br- im sorry

P- that's not gonna work. You were being a dick and not the kind I like. If anything you should be saying that to your sister

Br- I'm not apologizing to her

P- then stop talking to me

Br- pier-

P- no its not up for debate. I warned you about this but you wanted to do what you thought was best. Your selfish for that

Br- .....

P- and until you say sorry to lexi and apologize im not talking to you

Br- but babe

P- no

They were silent the whole ride there. They got up and went to their room. They sat on the floor together and started packing

Br- pierson I really didn't mean to upset you

P- well you did

Br- I know and im sorry

P- what happened to "I'm not saying sorry to her"

Br- you heard that?

P- no shit that hurt my feelings

Br- why?

P- because why wouldn't you apologize to your wife?

Br- pierson I was being a dick I know better now

P- cut the shit you liar. Your only telling me this because I told you I wasn't going to talk to you

Br- I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that

P- stop talking to me now

Br- pierson..

P- I said to stop talking to me. What's so hard for you to understand?

Br- i-

P- hush

They finished packing

Br- you didn't tell me what im allowed to talk to you about

P- nothing

Br- bffr

P- fine emergencies, and that's it. Don't talk to me unless I talk to you first

Br- mhm...

Brent looked at little sad

P- don't go all kitty on me. You was not acting like that when you were getting lexi in trouble

Baby just say yesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt