Jeremy 👩‍🍼

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Everyone was waiting for them so they can assign rooms so they could all start bringing clothes to put in there rooms

J- why do you guys show up so late all the time?

P- we aren't that late

A- you guys are one hour late

P- get from underneath my skin Andrew

Lr- alright can we get these rooms assigned now?

B- okay so our manager was pretty mad at us because we just stopped poasting in jeneral so he said while were here we have to atleast post 5 videos and a bunch of tiktoks

Liv- easy

B- okayso he sent me the list of the assigned rooms. So its

Andrew&lexi r




Br- why do me and pierson have to share a room with jeremy?

Lr- yeah whats that about

P- wouldn't it make more sence if jeremy was with you

B- he knew you guys where gonna ask so there's a note.

S- hurry and read it

B- it says jeremy stays in briersons room because they can't be trusted alone together and with jeremy there he will make sure of that. And he can be there kid for a little while.

P- but what about Landrew they can do that stuff to yk

A- we didnt even go on our first date yet

Br- we've been cursed pierson

P- tell me about but not really because i like jeremy as a kid

B- it's not our fault you guys cant keep your hands to yourself

J- and thanks to that i get to stay with my parents!

Br- were not your parents

P- brent why not?

Br- because where not related to him at all

P- okay? familys not always blood

Br- idc

P- brenty pleaseeeee can we keep him as ours for a bit??

J- yeah please brenty

Br- dont you ever call me that ever again

P- please it will make me very happy

Br- fine

A- now that thats settled we should all put away the clothes we brought

They all went to thier rooms

In BPJ room

Pierson went to the bathroom so brent decided to help her unpack

J- so are you excited?

Br- for what?

J- the group sleepover!!

Br- ehhh you guys are all a pain in the ass

J- how in the world did pierson end up with someone so grumpy as you

Br- stfu jeremy before i literally back hand you

J- wow my own dad would say that to me

Br- when Pierson's not around im not treating you like a baby muchless my baby

J- im telling on you

Br- i could care less

They kept pack stuff away untill brent found handcuffs in Pierson's suitcase and took them. She then came out the bathroom

J- you will never guess what brent said to me

P- what did he say darling?

J- he said stfu jeremy before i back hand you then he said he wont treat me like his own when your not around

P- Brent!!

Br- what its true

P- This is just a test to see if we can take care of a real one

Br- then why dont we get a real baby?

P- because jeremy needs some lovin and we can practice on him. Please just go with it

Br- fine

P- say sorry to jeremy

Br- sorry jeremy

P- for?

Br- disowning you even though you're technically not even adopted by us

J- its okay

P- tell me if he does that again okay jeremy

J- yep


Jeremy left and pierson was gonna go until brent called her back

Br- pierson

P- yeah?

Br- why did you bring the handcuffs i got you for your birthday?

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