"It doesn't feel like it"

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They both got in the car

Dr- where are we off to?

P- the sushi restaurant down the street please

Dr- okay

10 minutes later they arrived to the sushi place

P- thank you

Dr- no problem call me if you guys need a ride back

P- will do

They smiled at eachother and then he left

P- alright lets go inside

She grabbed brents arm and lead him in

Br- mm it smells delicious

They walked up to the waiter

P- hi can we get a table for two?

W- okay follow me

She brung them over to a booth so they were sitting next to eachother

Br- thanks

W- no problem I'll come back to take your order

The waiter left

Pierson picked up a menu and gave one to brent

Br- thanks

P- no problem, when do i get to see your pics from the photo shoot?

Br- oh yeah i forgot, we can look at them now if you want

P- yes please

He pulled out his phone

Br- okay this first one i really like

Br- okay this first one i really like

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P- What the hell

Br- you dont like it?

P- no i love it i j-just never seen you in this font before

She stared at him. He grabbed her chin and kissed her

P- maybe we should look at the rest later i don't think ill be able to manage in here

Br- and whys that?

He smiled

P- oh shut up

They both ordered their food and started to eat

P- did they send you a list?

Br- who?

P- the "system"

Br- yeah they did but how did you know that?

P- ive had a past but anyways read it to me

Br- the first one says clie-

P- client should always be patted down when entering the bathroom

Br- how did you know that?

P- dont be nosy continue to read i wont say anything. But spoiler the last one is going to shock you

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