Drunk and in love

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Br- finally a chance to wind down a bit

P- yeah but we can't get too drunk and we can take anything too far because we have a flight to catch tomorrow

Br- pierson stop worrying about the flight and just relax

He kissed her

P- You should be taking this seriously.

Pierson stood infront of him and started playing with his shirt

P- this is a big Opportunity for you and I just want to make sure your ready to go and your sober enough for the plane

Br- pierson I will be sober enough for the plane. I appreciate you being supportive but just loosen up tonight

P- that's a lot to ask for

Br- I know. How about we only drink for a hour or two? That way we will be sober for the plane

P- fine

Br- great! Lets go downstairs

He took her hand and they both went downstairs and sat around the table

Brent poured them both a glass

Br- cheers?

P- cheers!

They both chugged the first glass

Br- thats a good way to start the night

P- yeah I sapouse it really is

They kept taking glass after glass after glass

P- I think we drunk a little too much

Br- ya think?

P- mhm

Br- lets go to the convenience store

P- like this? I bet our eyes look bloodshot red

Br- well it's in walking distance so we don't have to drive. We could just go get some snacks and come back here and watch a movie

P- okay

They both got ready and started walking

Br- how much did we drink? You can't even walk straight

(Brent still has some sense when he's drunk and pierson is the opposite)

P- t-this is your fault

Br- hold my hand

Pierson tried and missed his hand

P- where the hell is it

Br- where's what?

P- your hand

Br- can't you see that it's right infront of you? Are you blind?

P- partly. Can you carry me?

Br- pierson I would but I can't im drunk too and I garentee we will tip over

P- ughhhhhh

Pierson took big steps and fell over into some grass

P- oh my goodness I'm such a cluts

She started laughing and brent laughed too

Br- here let me help you up

Pierson grabbed his arm and pulled him to the ground with her

Br- pierson!

They both started laughing

Br- I think I broke my tail bone

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