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B- brent come sit

Br- okay jeez

Brent sat down

P- why did you guys rush us down here?

Liv- lexi has a propsal

Lh- yep

P- okay well hurry up because the ñast time you had so-

Lh- something to say i moved away forever yeah yeah i know. But tjos one is better

Liv- are you having a baby?

Lh- im delusional but im not crazy

Ju- or maybe both

J- im starting to like you justice

Lh- good because we were thinking that we should move here

P- MOVE HERE!?!!??!?!!?

Lh- yeah back to California with you guys

Ju- yeah she was missing you guys a lot

P- OMG!!!

Ju- does she always scream like that?

Lh- yep so you better get used to it

Ju- good thing that im good at adapting

He kissed her cheek

Br- interesting

S- why do you always seem so pissed about everything

Br- im not pissed

B- so why do you always look mad

Lr- Because he has a resting bitch face

P- that looks really hot

A- im pretty sure your the only one who thinks that

L- i think that too. Brent is looking pretty darn handsome today

Br- thanks logan

L- no problem boo

Thwy both leaned in to kiss

P- ohhh noooo not on my watch

Pierson got up and sat in between them

Br- what? You wanted us to get closer

P- not litterly!

Lr- i saw the bags you guys brang are you guys staying over?

Lh- mhm

P- this day keeps on getting better and better

Ju- you can thank your husband for that because hes the one who convinced us to come back

Lh- and he made us come over for you

P- whattt why?

Lh- he dosent think your gonna make it through the week that you guys are not gonna be together

P- first off i will make it through the week idk what hes talking about

Br- i highly doubt that you will your gonna make it....

P- and if i dont it will be all your fault

Br- what how?

P- i dont know yet but ill make sure that i have something to blame you on

Br- you can't just do that

P- and why not?

Br- because i said so

P- your not my dad

N- *cough* only in some occasions *cough*

Br- thanks noah

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