flashbacks pt2

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Br- actually yeah take yourself upstairs for a second. Ill meet you up there

Pierson started crying

P- o-okay

Pierson went upstairs and hid on one side of their bed

Lh- brent!!!

J- why did you make her go upstairs?!??!!

S- poor girl she must be scared out of her mind

Liv- there must be a reason to why she was saying that she will go upstairs and you want have to see her for the rest of the day

S- its a cry for help it was probably a trauma response

Br- i know but i cant keep her down here with Alex i just have a bad feeling about this

Alex- im not here to cause problems that was my brother alan he was jealous

Br- we never asked. Ill make sure to make it up to her later after were done doing this and where the hell is andrew and lexi

Everyone shruged their shoulders

Alex- are they together now?

Br- idk

S- okay lets hurry this thing up so you can talk to pierson

Brent made Alex check their vreath and they all were grape

Liv- okay so they are fine for now so lets put them in the spare room so they can all get better but make sure the milks ready

S- okay ill get the milk

Br- ima head upstairs to get pierson. Alex stay down here if i had more time i would tie you to the chair your lucky

Brent left while the others carried the boys to the room

Brent entered the room and closed the door beehind him

Br- pierson are you in here?

He sat on the bed. He heard a light cry.

Br- pierson?

He looked on the side of the bed and found her. He arms were hugging her legs while she was crying

He got off the bed and he stood infront of her

Br- are you okay

P- no

He went to sit next to her but she moved

Br- are you scared of me or something? You keep moving away from me when im trying to comfort you

P- i dont know just please give me some space

Br- okay but pñease dont cry. How can i make you feel better?

P- sit down

He was gonna sit next to her

P- no! Not beside me, on the bed

Brent got sad

P- i know i know just give me a second to warm up please

Br- no íts fine i just dont understand. Where did i go wrong?

P- wdym

Br- i never laid my hands on you i didnt say anything bad to you i didnt bring up your past so im confused on why your scared

P- im not scared of you brent i trust you but im just scared of what you could possibly do to me

Br- i wouldn't do anything to you pierson i promise

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