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Pierson got dressed then she met with brent in the car

Brierson in the car  (brent was driving)

Br- are you exited?

P- no

Br- why not

P- because the chances of me coming home and crying after this are very high

Br- well lets not think like that. Lets say if the chances weren't so high what about then

P- still no

Br- why

P- because i dont want a "new mom" like what

Br- im pretty sure they are just dating i dont think that he will force you guys to
Adress her as "mom"

P- well you better think again

Br- well how do you think the looks?

P- umm i dont know, but what i do know is that i dont want her to remind me of our real mom

Br- understandable

Pierdons phone rang and she picked it up and put it on aux

P- hi lexi

Lr- hi, call andrew and tell him to stop trying to open the door

P- hes what?

Lr- trying to open the door! I asked him why and he gave no response

Br- omg and-

P- dont start

Lr- yeah baby boy dont start

She started laughing

Lr- cracks me up everytime

Br- your not funny

Lr- i never tried to be

Br- ugh common dont make fun of me about that too. First is was mamas boy and now this

Lr- i say it because it's cute

Br- well i dont find it cute

Lr- well im pretty sure that  Pierson finds it cute

P- dont put me in this

Br- exactly it's because she dosent find it cute

Lr- thats not what she said

Br- we-

P- omg you guys stop arguing but yes  ok sure ill call andrew then I'll call you back after

Lr- okay thanks

They hung up

Pierson gave brent the look

Br- what did i do now?

P- stop arguing with your sister, we talked about this

Br- she started it

P- okay and? I told you to stop

Br- well thats not fair

P- and why not?

Br- because were siblings we fight

P- yeah theres no problem with that but then the problem always grows bigger and i constantlyhave to hear about it, can we talk about this later? I have to call andrew

Br- sure finee if you sapouse

She called andrew and he picked up

P- wth is going on?!??!!

A- wdym

Br- you know what she means

P- brent

She looked at him

Baby just say yesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora