👀oh okay👀

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They all finished eating

A- bye guys

J- thanks for the food lh

The boys headed for the door

Br- where are you guys going?

B- we made plans

Br- without me?

N- ohhh yeahhh we forgot you weren't hanging out with pierson today and for the next 4 days

Br- well no need to rub it in

J- yeah sorry brent usally you would be with her so we dont ask you to hangout because you will say no

Br- oh.. well have fun ig

They started walking to the door

P- hold on Andrew your not going anywhere

A- and why not?

P- because dont think that i forgot about what happend yesterday

A- your still on this?

P- dont give me attitude because i garentee that im not the one

Ju- just go man theres no way you will win by arguing with a women, trust me i know

Lh- mhm

P- i suggest that you listen to him

A- fine

P- ill meet you upsatris

A- omds

He went upstaris

B- is he still coming with us?

P- once i get his side of the landrew thing ill think if he deserves it

All- okay

Pierson went upstaris with andrew and they went into the boys room and andrew sat on the bed

P- whats going on with you and lexi

A- alright so i went into the shower and i came out and she asked me where i was going, then i said i was going to my mom right

P- mhm

A- then she started yelling at me saying that i was lying because i was going to go meet up with this girl

P- so were you?

A- yeah but it wasn't to hook up or anything

P- then why were you going?

A- we havent seen eachother in a while so we just wanted to catch up

P- so then why did you say that you were going to see your mom

A- idk natural response?

P- somethings not adding up, no one says "oh yeah im just going to my moms house" for a natural response when their really not

A- ig it just sliped out

P- andrew...

A- i know its a lame "excuse" but i swear that thats what happend. I was never going to cheat on lexi

P- i find that hard to believe

A- i know

P- why didn't you just tell her that thats not what you meant

A- she wouldn't listen to me she was throwing stuff at me so i couldn't even tell her

P- i have one more question

A- mhm im all ears

P- why didnt you just spend time with lexi instead you know she's the worried type

A- idk that just didn't occur to me

P- well it should of occured to you, but you promise that you weren't going to cheat on her?

A- on my life

P- mk, wanna talk to lexi?

A- sure call her up here for me please

P- okay

Pierson went downstairs

P- lexi r andrew wants to talk to you

Lr- hmm okay

Lexi r went upstairs. Pierson took a seat

P- brent what shorts are you gonna wear?

Br- umm idk maybe just the black ones i have

P- ooorrr what about you wear your grey ones?

Br- why? Do you like em?

P- welll idk. what about you put them on frst and then ill decide

B- flirting i see

P&Br- NO!

P- what are you on about huh???

Upstairs with Andrew and lexi r

They both sat on the bed facing eachother

A- lexi i just wanted to say that im sorry. I should have never told you that i was going to my moms even when i was going to a girls house

Lr- i just dont understand why you didnt tell me in the first place that you were going to a girls house. I mean we just started dating dont you think that i should know where your going especially if its a girls house?

A- yes you do deserve to know where i was going. I wouldn't cheat on you i promise lexi, i just want us to have the best possible go at this relationship thing as possible

Lr- i do too, and im sorry for throwing stuff at you that probably wasn't the best way to handle the situation

A- its fine because if i thought that you were cheating on me i would have done the same thing. So are we good?

Lr- mhm but one more thing like this that your not being honest then i will be breaking up with you

A- fair fair, does the group know that were a thing?

Lr- idk about the boys but im pretty sure that the girls know

A- okay lets keep this thing on the low tho

Lr- mhm so we dont get anyones hopes up

A- okay

They both hugged eachother

Lr- lets just stay up here for a bit

A- alr

Downstairs with the group

P- im pretty sure you guys can go without him, just dont tell him that i told you guys that

Ju- okay bye guys

All- bye

The boys left

S- can we hurry up and get dressed to go into the pool?

Lh- sure

They all went to get changed

In the boys room with andrew and lexi.

(They were both laying down)

Lr- do you think that were going to last?

A- what do you mean?

Lr- like our relationship, what happends if we dont stay together? Its going to be so akward

A- well im not worried about that because im planning on us being together forever

Lr- i love when you speak positive. It helps me stay in a good mind set. How do you do it?

A- how do i do what?

Lr- make so much jokes and just manage to be so happy all the time

A- just keep on smiling no matter what



Im posting another part today🥳 (and i do see your guys please update comments 🤭)

Words: 1025

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