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Cl- BOO did I scare ya

Everyone- AHHHHH

P- everybody RUN!

Everybody was running different directions

Cl- your not gonna leave that fast

The clown went and chased brent and pierson




They all meet up in the livivng room

Lr- i swear im about to cry right now

P- lexi don't cry its fine nothing is gonna happen

Lr- yeah you could say that because you have my brother to protect you

P- andrew could protect you

Liv- ladies we are strong independent women we don't need men

P- yeahhh we are strong independent women

*I forgot to add liv💀*

S- says the one that only talks about 1 man all the time and is on his back the hole time

Pierson comes off brents back

P- sorry bud

Br- did I just get buded by my own girlfriend???!?!??!?

P- yes,yes you did *whispering* just for now

B- guys the cops are here

A- let them in

J- no shit

Jeremy ran to the door to open it for the cops

Br- man jeremy must be very scared

J- yeah I'm like carping my pants right now bro

The cops go in and they hot the clown and a face reveal


Br&lr- MOM!

Everybody else- LURA!

Brm- hey guys how's it going

J- good now that we know your not a clown

P- what was the reason for this monstrosity

Br- ooo look at pierson and her big girl words

Liv- that sounds weird

S- agreed don't say it like that

Brm- yall stop im right here.

Br- sorry

Brm- anyways it's Halloween why wouldn't I scare you guys.

B- you made us all crap our pants

Po= police

Brm- thank you

She hands the cop 20$

Po- no problem anytime

The cop leaves

S- who's the cop

Brm- an actor

P- damn you thought this through

Brm- sure did, ima head to bed though because I have work tomorrow *she winked at brent*

Brent's mom left

P- brent why did she wink at you?

Br- oh no reason

P- oh umm wanna go to my house?

Br- sure

P- okay get your stuff

Brent went off to get his stuff

Lr- not pierson stealing My brother

P- no its only for a night

Lr- promise?

P- promise

Br- ok ready

P- okay

Br- bye guys

Everybody- bye have fun!

Lr- not to much though

P- my brother will be there so the chances are very low of that happening

Lr- okay bye

Br&p- byee

Pierson drives brent to her house

She opens the door

P- wow home sweet home I haven't been here in forever

L- pierson?

P- logie

L- Brent's staying with us?

P- yep

Lr- where is he gonna sleep?

P- in my room

L- with you?

P- yes logan with me

Br- don't worry I wont touch your sister

L- i know because if you did it would be a different story

P- logan calm down

L- whatever, just glad to have you back though

P- yep where is mom and dad?

L- they are comeing over tommrow

P- oh okay we better get to sleep then

L- yeah goodnight guys

Br&p- goodnight!

They go into Pierson's room and close the door

P- ima get changed

Br- okay

Pierson changes into a cute silk pj set

Br- wow okay, okay I see you, give it a little spin

Pierson spun

P- sawwp, it's your turn to get dressed

Br- okay

Brent got dressed in some silk pjs too

P- ooo okay, but next time I'd like more manly ones for you

Br- how rude I think it makes my arms look big

P- mhm sure keep on dreaming

They both get on the bed

Br- let's watch elsa

P- I'm down

Br- I know you are thats why I said it

P- cuddles?

Br- okay

They cuddled while brent ran his hands through her hair and they watch elsa and feel asleep


hey guys hope you guys are doing good. Sorry for not poasting a lot I was just trying to see what order to put some of the final chapters in. (No the story is not ending soon) that's it for now bye luvvvies ❤💜💓💕💗💛

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