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They wake up


Br- pierson breakfast is ready

P- okay

They both go downstairs to see Logan and Pierson's parents already eating

Pm- did you guys have a good rest?

P- I did

Br- yeah me to

Lw- I sure bet you guys did *wink*

Pd- Logan I thought you where against them dating

Lw- oh I am I just thought it was necessary

Br- me and pierson aren't dating tho...

Pm- WHAT you guys broke up

P- not really but kinda

Pd- how does that make sense then

Br- well we settled on friends with benefits

Pm&pd&lw- ON WHAT

P- so ima head to my room now..

Pb- I think not

P- can we not talk about this right now

Pm- I think we should tho why did you guys settled on that?

Br- that's because pierson wasn't necessarily ready for a relationship but I was and we still love eachother it's just we think it's better to not be in a committed relationship for our mental health

Lw- so why are you guys friends with benefits?

P- because Logan we still love eachother very much and we still wanna express that to eachother just not in a relationship

Br-and you never know well where on this "break" we could find new people


Br- no no I'm just kidding

P- you better be

Pm- as long as you guys are happy I guess I don't have a problem with it

Pb- same with me

Lw- mhm same here BUT IF I CATCH YOU GUYS doing something fishy it's over for you brent

Br- promise your sister is all yours for now

Pm- now that that's out the way should we talk about why you cane home crying last night

Pierson looked at brent

P- I don't think I want to talk about it

Br- pierson you need help it's not good to keep all your emotions in

P- I know but just not right now

Br- fine, I think she needs some time to think about it

Pm- okay when she's ready

They finish eating and they go back to Pierson's room

Br- wanna go to the beach?

P- yeah sure let me just get ready

Br- okay

Brent went and sat on Pierson's bed and watched her without thinking about it

P- brent what are you doing?

Br- watching

P-  omg why
*not anoyed*

Br- because your beautiful

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