Shopping 🛍

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P- just a fyi I have been calling you that for the longest time

Br- really?

P- yeah when I talk to the girls or anybody really

Brent smiled

P- okay no more of this sweet stuff let's get shopping!

Brent started to drive

Br- what gender do you think the baby will Be?

P- well knowing that your family provides a lot of boys I'm guessing it will most likely be a boy but I don't care what the gender is aslong as it's nice and healthy

Br- well what about your family? Don't they have a lot of girl?

P- kinda but at end of the day it dosent really matter if my family has girls or not because your the one who has to yk. You know how this works you took sex Ed before

Br- fun fact I didn't because my mom thought it was too inappropriate

P- really so what age did you even find this stuff out?

Br- 16

Pierson started laughing

Br- whats so funny

P-  you seriously didn't take the class?

Br- well it's not my fault. My mom's just a little bit over protective

P- it's whatever as long as you know now your fine

She pat him on his shoulder. They finally got to the mall

Br- okay where should we go first????


Br- okay okay I know your excited but please turn it down a bit

P- sorry but let's go!!

She grabbed his arm and they ran to the store. They stood infront of it

P- OMG!!!

Brent sighed  (not with attitude)

Br- so this is how its going to start

He smiled

P- Omfggggg!!!!!!!

She ran in

Br- wait for me my love!

He ran in right after her. He was walking behind her trying to catch up but she was walking too fast

P- omg there's blue and pink onesies IM IN LOVEEEE

She kept walking really fast

P- we don't even know the gender yet but I could care less all these things are so cuteeeeee!!!! Brent we have to get all of them!!!!

Br- that's if I can even catch up to see what your seeing

She found something really cute and she stopped

P- O.M.G We have to get this!!!!

Brent was huffing and puffing

Br- hold on let me catchy breath first please!!!

P- actually I think I can find something better

She went looking again

Br- holy shit this lady walks fast

P- Brent hurry up!!! Do I need to put you on a leash or something!?!?!?

Br- if thats what it takes for me to catch up then yes please do

Pierson rolled her eyes and grabbed his shirt and took him with her

Br- you know we have all day right? There's no need to be going so fast

She stopped walking

P- I can't believe you just said that to me that

She crossed her arms

P- we do have forever brent!

She pouted

P- i dont know why your being so mean  to me

Br- No, No pierson I swear I didn't mean to be rude its just that your basically running threw the store when you could maybe just walk slower so we could browse. I don't want to ruin this for you but please slow down just a tiny bit

He kissed Pierson's forehead. She jerked back a bit and closed her eyes

P- fine I sapouse we can "walk" a bit slower

They started walking a bit slow

Br- any ideas of what we should get?

P- well because 1 im not pregnant 2 we don't know if it's going to be a boy or a girl so we should get some stuff that don't determine gender

Br- like diapers or baby power?

P- yes

She smiled

P- see were already great parents

Br- right and we don't even own a baby yet

P- okay well lets get started. I was on tiktok the other day and some moms said to load up on diapers because these baby's shit like crazy so we're gonna need a few boxes of those like maybe 12

Br- okay want me to get them?

P- sure, I'll get baby oil and lotion

Br- okay sounds good

P- but after we get all the essentials can we please get something for the baby?

Br- fine but what?

P- like a a pacifier or you know when they have teeth that are going in and they want to chew on stuff we should get one of those

Br- okay I can live with that

They both separated and got the stuff then met back up

P- wow, baby you got a lot of diapers

Br- I know, I never knew that I could carry 12 boxes at once

P- this baby better be grateful because they have their parents running around buying them stuff when they are not even an egg yet

Br- you can't even be mad about it though because I know that you like it

P- okay and? What about it? I said what I said

She started walking to the toy section

Br- God so I love that women

P- hurry up slow poke!

Br- omdsss I'm coming!!

He caught up to her

Br- let's not forget that I have so many boxes in my hand

P- and who's fault is that?

Br- not mine, it's yours because your the one who wanted so many in The first place

P- but its still your fault because you could have just told me no and not have gotten as much as you did

Br- we both know how you would react if I said no.

P- it's not my fault you spoil me

Br- and ima stop doing that

P- oh please no you won't

Br- your right I won't but still

P- as I thought

Pierson kissed him on his cheek and started picking some stuff out. And Brent's heart melted

Pierson picked some stuff out (it's a surprise what she got) then they went to the check out then got their stuff then drove home.

They got all the bags and opened up the door....


I'm so bad at keeping a steady update time 😭😭


Baby just say yesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt