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Brent headed up the stairs excited to show pierson what he got her. He opened the door but he was focused on the stuff in his hand

Br- pierson i got you some unicorn coloring books and i got myself a starwars one so we could do them together! I also got you some books

He looked up and his jaw dropped

P- wait brent!

He closed the door and left

P- okay im going to mess my hair and my clothes up. You get back into your old clothes and give it like 10 minutes then You walk downstairs with the camera

Lr- okay this is going well so far

Lexi went into the bathroom while pierson messed up her hair and makeup. As she was going downstairs she pulled up her pants up a bit

Br- get away

He had tears in his eyes

P- brent it's confusing because its not what it looks like

Br- oh yeah? Because to me it was really clear. You had another guy in bed. I was only gone for 20 minutes. 20 MINUTES

P- brent nothing happened i swear

Br- look at you! Your makeup is a mess your hair is ruined and you were pulling up your pants when you came to get me. You cant tell me that nothing happened!

Pierson kissed him and he whiped it off

P- are you serious

Br- well im sorry that i dont want to share you with another man

P- babe your overreacting

Br- first of all don't "babe" me okay. HOW THE FUCK AM I OVERREACTING

He walked over to the counter

Br- fuck you and fuck this shit

He threw his wedding ring on the table

P- hold on brent it-

Br- Go be with that other man like honestly

He tried to walk away but pierson held his hand

Br- let go of me mother fucker!

Laura came downstairs

Lu- what in the world is going on?

Br- This son of a bitch slept with someone else and is trying to convince me that it's not a big deal!

P- brent please

Br- let go of me! Your an asshole you know that right!??!?!? I've invested so much in you and I trusted you with my life then you do this shit no wonder your not getting better your a psycho. It's almost our 2 year anniversary and you cheat on me.

P- brent it's a-

Lu- im so disappointed in you pierson

P- it's not what it looks like

Brent took a seat on the couch and started crying and Pierson's heart sank. Maybe this wasn't a good idea


Lexi came with the camera

P- its a prank...

Lr- what is going on bro

Pierson sat down with brent and hugged him

P- im so sorry

She kissed his hair

P- could we be alone for a minute please?

Lr- mhm

Lu- sure

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